Slant Six Forum

Trying to Rebuild A cone Clutch Sure grip - Some advice
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Author:  Greg Ondayko [ Thu Dec 16, 2004 11:33 am ]
Post subject:  Trying to Rebuild A cone Clutch Sure grip - Some advice

Hey guys I took the two halves of the diff apart last night, and the pin that the 2 differential spider gears spin on had the locating pin sheared off. I want to know if the little locating pin can be repaired, or if I need to get a new diff / diff housing.

I have new cone clutches, and the spider gears are good, and the actual pin that the 2 spider gears rotate on is good, just the locating pin is sheared off .

I must have ran if for a thousand miles or so this year and done some drag racing, but nothing broke, rather be safe than sorry!

Author:  tc [ Wed Dec 29, 2004 5:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think that pin is about .006 over 1/4 inch diameter. Is part of it still in the bigger pin? If so, tap it out and have someone mic that broken piece and make a new one or send it to me and I could make a new one. My e-mail is

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