Slant Six Forum

Which gears should i use for taking my truck offroad?
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Author:  74w100/6 [ Thu Dec 16, 2004 3:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Which gears should i use for taking my truck offroad?

Iv got a W100 with a slant six, would the stock gears be best for playin around offroad? I think its got 3.91 gears right now...also how much of a pain would it be to find a posi with the same gears or maybe just lockers...

Author:  Thropar [ Thu Dec 16, 2004 6:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Lowww

go low, like 5.13 for some serious grunt

depends on how much off road you do, and what type of terrain

Author:  sandy in BC [ Fri Dec 17, 2004 1:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

If you have 4 wheel drive you must have low range in your transfer case. I would imagine you also have a 4 speed trans. Your stock 3.91 gears are optimum for a combination of fuel mileage , highway cruising, and low end pull. If you go to lower gears you will lose any use for 1st gear in low range. Any higher will kill any performance on the highway.
If you have an automatic you might consider lower gears and a higher stall convertor. Remember that lower gears can be very hard on drivetrain parts on 4 wheel drives.
If you decide to go the posi/locker route dont let anyone convince you to do the front diff as well.

Good tires beat lockers every time.

If you want to run 5:38s get a taller tire for ground clearance. (33 or 36) but remeber it takes an exponentially greater amount of HP to turn larger tires.

My work truck makes just shy of 300 rwhp and I run 31" tires (265 75 16E), 3.71 gears and an Allison convertor. Chained up on all 4 in low range it pulls a loaded 12000lb trailer through 18" of wet snow or mud.


Author:  74W100/6 [ Mon Dec 27, 2004 12:06 am ]
Post subject:  Tires

right now i have 33X12.50 TSL Thornbirds that i bought for $200 bucks (Score). But i only have the stock suspension lift which is about 3 inches (i have a 4 inch lift from a chevy, any suggestions?). I live in the Boonies so highway driving isnt going to be a prob. But if i swap the rear to a higher ratio, ill have to swap the front too correct? I eventually plan on upgrading to atleast 35's. But i dont know what i should do to make my power wagon the ultimate offroad machine...

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