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PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 11:25 am 
4 BBL ''Hyper-Pak''

Joined: Mon Jan 24, 2005 11:02 am
Posts: 32
Car Model:
Any body here powder coat their rally wheels? I want to coat the wheels for my Scamp, does any one know of a powder that is close to the
Mopar color? East wood sales a powder called Rally wheel silver, but I think it looks to light. I think its a Chevy boy color and I think that Chevy color will be wrong, check it out here- ... oductID=75

Tell me is this the wrong color? Do you know of a powder that will get me close to the Mopar color? Any idea how much powder to coat 4 wheels inside and out? I am just looking to get close not exact.
Thanks ahead,
Mr. Rico

 Post subject: looks close to me
PostPosted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 8:16 pm 
EFI Slant 6

Joined: Tue Jun 03, 2003 9:42 pm
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I remember the backs of my 70 Duster's factory rallye wheels
being a semi gloss black - only the outside was the argent color (silver).

I just painted up a set for my Valiant last week and the powder coat
color is pretty close to the 70 A body rallye paint color. (71 was a bit
darker if I remember right).

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 10:40 pm 
4 BBL ''Hyper-Pak''

Joined: Mon Jan 24, 2005 11:02 am
Posts: 32
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Do you realy think that color is close enough? I did not know that there was a difference from year to year. The year color don't matter to me nor does the black on the back. I am not sure but I don't think you can put 2 powder colors on 2 part. Am I wrong? Can you put more then one powder on the same part?

Mr. Rico

 Post subject: ralley wheel paint
PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 4:15 am 
Turbo Slant 6
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there is a place called totally auto, that specializes in this type of restoraration work, they will know & have your product. Be prepared to spend a few more$$ though, I went to the local A-zone & bought some argent silver paint, it sure made the wheels look good (more metallic) but I'm sure it wasn't correct per mopar circa 1970. Anyhow good luck

 Post subject: Re: ralley wheel paint
PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 7:10 am 
4 BBL ''Hyper-Pak''

Joined: Mon Jan 24, 2005 11:02 am
Posts: 32
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there is a place called totally auto, that specializes in this type of restoraration work, they will know & have your product. Be prepared to spend a few more$$ though, I went to the local A-zone & bought some argent silver paint, it sure made the wheels look good (more metallic) but I'm sure it wasn't correct per mopar circa 1970. Anyhow good luck
Cool, I will look for them. I have them spray painted now and its not correct but close. I am tired of haveing to repaint due to rock chips and such, I don't care if it is exact but I don't want to be so far of that I look like a dork. I geuss there might be an argent powder color out there, I will look in to that as well.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 7:32 am 
4 BBL ''Hyper-Pak''

Joined: Mon Jan 24, 2005 11:02 am
Posts: 32
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I sent totally auto an E-mail and got an auto responce, I will have to try again after the first of Feb. must be on vacation.

 Post subject: Re: looks close to me
PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 8:28 am 
Turbo EFI
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I just painted up a set for my Valiant last week and the powder coat
color is pretty close to the 70 A body rallye paint color. (71 was a bit
darker if I remember right).
Relic Lover, what kind of powder-coat setup do you have? I've been curious about the Eastwood kit, but the obvious drawback is the oven or light setup. The oven isn't really big enough to do most parts (i guess it would fit 1 wheel at a time?) and the light is damn expensive and would involve a great deal of drying time for larger objects like axles, suspension, etc. Not to mention the difficulty in finding a large electric oven to work with.

I've just been curious to find people that actually use this system and get their take on it.


 Post subject: Re: looks close to me
PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 10:14 am 
4 BBL ''Hyper-Pak''

Joined: Mon Jan 24, 2005 11:02 am
Posts: 32
Car Model:
I just painted up a set for my Valiant last week and the powder coat
color is pretty close to the 70 A body rallye paint color. (71 was a bit
darker if I remember right).
Relic Lover, what kind of powder-coat setup do you have? I've been curious about the Eastwood kit, but the obvious drawback is the oven or light setup. The oven isn't really big enough to do most parts (i guess it would fit 1 wheel at a time?) and the light is damn expensive and would involve a great deal of drying time for larger objects like axles, suspension, etc. Not to mention the difficulty in finding a large electric oven to work with.

I've just been curious to find people that actually use this system and get their take on it.

I will be at a friends place using a regular old electric oven. It has a hood that is insulated with a thermometer on it that slips over the open door. You still could not do a rear end with this set up. I bet that if you had a second oven and sheet metal to build a hood a rear end would be no trouble. The hood that makes the oven larger is so simple Its silly.

As far as the time, it will take 15-20 minutes per wheel, with a 12pack we will have time to spare.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 11:06 am 
Turbo EFI
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Joined: Sun Dec 05, 2004 7:20 pm
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Car Model: 1962 Lancer 770
Ah....a hood! I never thought of that. that could really make a trans or something of that size more doable. Does the temp stay pretty true? Do you have any more details?

*goes off in search of an electric oven


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 11:33 am 
4 BBL ''Hyper-Pak''

Joined: Mon Jan 24, 2005 11:02 am
Posts: 32
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Ah....a hood! I never thought of that. that could really make a trans or something of that size more doable. Does the temp stay pretty true? Do you have any more details?

*goes off in search of an electric oven

Yes it stays pretty good, it has thick insulation on the outside. then there is a thermometer on the end of the hood furthest way from the heat. I don't remember muck more because my buddy lives 2 hours away and I haven't been there in a while. Good luck

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