Slant Six Forum

Bad Product Warning!
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Author:  sandy in BC [ Thu Dec 23, 2004 7:08 am ]
Post subject:  Bad Product Warning!

We changed the rear springs in the Valaint last fall. The process led to the disintegration of the original shackles. We had new poly bushings so I took a couple of sets of old shackles and 3/8 bolts and made up a temp set. The plan was to fab up a trick set at a more opportune time.
My new Summit catalouge listed Mopar Performance shackle kits! This was a new addition. They were listed at $39 a set. Well! At that price why make up your own.
They arrived the other day. Turns out they are $39 a side. Turns out they are made in China. Turns out the boxes they came in are so bad Summit had to repackage them.
These things are CRAP! Do yourself a favour and make up your own.

Author:  Craig [ Thu Dec 23, 2004 8:55 am ]
Post subject: 

I bought some JC Whitney shackles several years ago, the metal is good, but the rubber bushings disintegrated after a few thousand miles.

Author:  Dart270 [ Sun Jan 09, 2005 6:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

I make my own with cold rolled steel bar and 1/2" bolts (weld bolt heads to bar), then use poly bushings. Some work, but will be bullet and flex proof...


Author:  Pierre [ Sun Jan 09, 2005 11:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

I thought I saw shackles listed on as well.

Author:  225dart [ Sat Jan 22, 2005 6:13 am ]
Post subject: 

i bought mine from ESPO at carlisle this year. he even made up a set forme with A-bod bushings on one side and B/E body bushings on the other side for my monoleaf springs i have.


Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sat Jan 22, 2005 12:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

Monoleaf springs? Interesting! Can you tell us more?

Author:  225dart [ Sat Feb 26, 2005 9:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

the mono leafs i have are a set from calvert racing. they are normally used with the calvert cal-trac traction device. these were a pre-production set and for a stick car like my other dart---were way to light, and flexed excessivly under the modified v-8. they made me a new set and didn't want the old ones back, so they collected dust in the corner untill i bought the slant six car. they work fine for this application however. you can buy them, but they aren't cheap. i think like 350.00 rings a bell. they do take a bunch of weight off the car though. warning though, the front bushings are solid and do creek, which on a quieter car like this slant, can be a little annoying---even for someone like me that normally doesnt care about sqeeks and rattles. on a 2 chamber flowmaster v-8, i never heard it.

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