Slant Six Forum

B/E OD four speed?
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Author:  Bohmer2 [ Tue Jan 04, 2005 11:25 am ]
Post subject:  B/E OD four speed?

I was browsing the parts for sale and saw the post about an OD four speed with the long tail shaft for a b/e body car. The question I guess is, were any of the b/e body 4 speeds OD trannies or is there some confusion on the sellers part? I am trying to figure out if this is actually a b/e body trany or one of the later long shaft OD truck trannies.....IE second question would this OD tranny be a bolt in for my 72 slanted Challenger?


Author:  zedpapa [ Tue Jan 04, 2005 12:46 pm ]
Post subject:  multiple applications

the reason for the confusion is that the b/e trannies have two mounting locations for the shifter, where as the b tranny has only one shifter pad and the same for the e tranny. this tranny should fit in your challenger no problem.


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