Slant Six Forum

Upolstery kits.
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Author:  HyperValiant [ Tue Jan 04, 2005 8:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Upolstery kits.

Has anyone used the upohlstery kits from J.C.Whitney(not the seat covers but the actual covers that you hog ring on) and if so how did you like them?

Author:  DAJUJ [ Wed Jan 05, 2005 8:53 am ]
Post subject:  Seat Covers

Mine are due here any day from J.C. I'll let you know how they turn out. I've recovered several cars but the covers came from Legendary. I hope these are good ones too.

Author:  HyperValiant [ Wed Jan 05, 2005 7:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks alot,I have used the Legendary covers also and found there quality great and fit well.Please keep me posted.

Author:  DAJUJ [ Sun Jan 09, 2005 7:25 am ]
Post subject:  Upholstery

Hyperpac: Still waiting on JC for my seat covers. I ordered them in the first week of December. I got a call from the manufacturer around the 14th, and they asked a couple of questions that JC rep forgot to ask. JC told me they would be shipped on the 1st of Jan and the manufacturer told me I would have them before. Turns out the manufacturer was wrong since I've not gotten them yet. The car heads to the painter on the 10th. Really have no idea how long he will keep it. Car was in great shape until about 2 weeks ago when my grandson decided to customize the rear quarter (next to the bumper). He and another young driver had an accident. God only knows how much that will cost in addition to the paint job. I'll snag the seats from the car when I drop it off so that I will have something to do while the car is in the shop. Manufacturers and vendors sort of make me angry with their promises. When I placed another order with Layson's in late December they told me they had the products in stock and they would be shipped shortly. You guessed it, two days later email arrived telling me parts would be delayed due to shipping backlogs. of the items is the passenger side rear marker lens for the damaged quarter. Oh well. I will keep you advised. I am itching to put the new carpet in since it is here, but I only want to pull the front seat once. I've already gotten the rear out and cleaned up the floor (it was totally rust free - looks like it just rolled out of the factory.

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