Slant Six Forum

How long will a 904 last without a kickdown
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Author:  textoad [ Tue Jan 11, 2005 2:12 pm ]
Post subject:  How long will a 904 last without a kickdown

Just got the Scamp up and running rebuilt tranny and motor. I've driven it about 100 miles. I just realized by reading here that the kickdown should be hooked up to provide the right pressure. I don't have it connected and I am waiting on the Lokar cable beacuse I have a Holley 5200 and don't have a linkage set up yet. :shock:


Will it do dammage in the distance I have have driven? Also how should I drive it home, slow, not on the freeway or not at all at this point? Or should I tie it back somehow. Gotta go 25 miles to get home.


Author:  Dennis Weaver [ Tue Jan 11, 2005 2:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Tie the lever back about mid-way, then drive it home. Do not drive again until you hook up a kickdown or you will burn up the trans (it will slip when engaging clutches and bands due to insufficient pressure).


Author:  slantzilla [ Tue Jan 11, 2005 2:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

The bad thing that will happen is the link will fall out of the kick-down band and ruin the band and drum. You can be reasonably safe with the KD lever tied about 3/4 way back, but it will have very late,hard shifts.

Author:  textoad [ Tue Jan 11, 2005 3:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

I just went out and tied it back about half way. I can move it back further if you think I need to. Do I need to do anything other than connect up the linkage or should I check something to make sure it's ok?

I ordered the cable today from work. I hope I haven't done dammage already. I'm gonna have to gin up a linkage on the carb end to make it work.

Boy when I make mistakes sometimes they are doosies.


Author:  Dennis Weaver [ Tue Jan 11, 2005 3:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

If it still shifts fine after you install the cable, it's probably fine. It's certainly not good for the transmixer, but it takes a little time for the real damage to happen. I'd change the fluid and filter anyway, just so you know it's nice and fresh. It's not real critical exactly where you tie the lever back, just so it is at least halfway and not all the way. It's going to upshift and downshift funny until you get the cable hooked up. Just don't drive it real hard through the shifts. It's better to have too much throttle pressure (hard, late shifts) than not enough (squishy, early shifts). The latter is what really wears things.


Author:  Dart270 [ Tue Jan 11, 2005 5:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

My experience is that you can safely drive thousands of miles with the lever fixed 1/2-2/3 way back. No apparent damage to at least two trannys, one had 150k on it and still fine when I pulled it.


Author:  textoad [ Tue Jan 11, 2005 7:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Got it home. I'm hearing a noise related to the tranny I believe. Like a fluid pumping at high volume is how I would describe it. Changes as it shifts. Fairly high pitched. Worrysome. Not sure if it was there previously or not. The car definately shifted later and harder on the way home. Oil on the dipstick still nice and red.

I'll drop the pan this weekend. Would there be debris in the pan if there was damage? Like band material?

Got questions on the geometry of the Lokar Linkage. I assume the cable needs to be pulled at the carb and pulls the kickdown lever from the rear of the tranny. Is the cable one to one with the throttle on the carb? If so can I attach it directly to the trottle at the carb or do I need a pivot lever? And if so do I make the lever one to one or do a slight divide or multiply. In other words how much movement is necessary at the tranny lever per the throttle motion? Should it be adjustable? I prefer simplicity. Does that make sense?


Author:  textoad [ Mon Jan 17, 2005 7:15 am ]
Post subject: 

I got the kick down cable hooked up this weekend. Shifts at higher RPM's and seems to have decent pickup all over the driving range. However it up shifts kinda harsh. Also I may have the cable adjusted a little on the tight side because if I'm cruisin at say 40 MPH and push down just a little it downshifts abruptly. Seems a little too sensitive. Should I loosen it some. Also I put a return spring on the kickdown lever just to make sure it's returning. And since I loosened the linkage slightly I put another return sprin at the carburetor as well. Another question, should it downshift into first from second as well?

I have the cable directly connected to the throttle lever coming in from the opposite side so when the throttle pulls the throttle lever on the carb it also pulls directly on the cable. So it's one to one in terms of the amount of motion. Not sure if this is correct. I'll try to post a picture tonight. I have the Holley/Weber 5200 so the stock linkage is not applicable here.


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