Slant Six Forum

I just had an epiphany...
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Author:  74W100/6 [ Wed Jan 12, 2005 12:59 pm ]
Post subject:  I just had an epiphany...

Theres a two spots for the starter right...can i move it from the low position to the high position? If so... what do i need to do? Thanks!

Author:  Dart270 [ Wed Jan 12, 2005 1:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Don't know if you can do it on a 4WD truck. You'd need a 904 or 727 for a Slant that bolts to your engine and has the high starter position. They may not have made 727s this way, I don't know. It would have to also bolt to your transfer case.

Are the headers you have the "Street Rod" or shortie headers? PN 0010 or something like that?


Author:  74W100/6 [ Wed Jan 12, 2005 1:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Headers

Theyre the street rod ones...i know, im a D/A for not making sure what headers i needed before i ordered But i have a 3 spd tranny and when i remove the plate for the high starter position i think its the clutch i can see thats in the way... so Im guessing theres no way to put it there. I think i might just have to sell the headers i have and buy new ones...WHAT A PAIN! But im still not sure if i should get the shorties or a 6 into 1 header or Dutra Duals...Any siggestoins? Thanks Lou

Author:  74W100/6 [ Wed Jan 12, 2005 2:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Pics...

Can someone tell me how to post a pic?

Author:  Pierre [ Wed Jan 12, 2005 7:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Unless your getting the headers coated, I would suggest the dutra duals. Otherwise, the headers will rust out.

Also, you'll have to be uber-careful around coated headers when working in the engine bay so you don't scratch them.

Author:  Dennis Weaver [ Wed Jan 12, 2005 7:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

I've had the same set of headers on my Duster for 14 years now, they were never coated, and they are still fine.


Author:  74W100/6 [ Wed Jan 12, 2005 10:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Headers

Well the headers i bought, i had ceramic coated, but if i do get another header i will make sure its sealed. What do you think would be best for a 4x4 truck? I dont want to constantly be having to fix bent, cracked and broken headers...but i want the sound. Do Dutra Duals offer any good sound or is it more of a stock...not so mean sound?

Author:  Pierre [ Wed Jan 12, 2005 10:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dennis, were they stainless or aluminized by any chance? I'd sure love it if my clifford headers last that long.

74, to post a pic, you need a web hosting service. Usually your isp will give you a little bit of space, or you can find free ones on the web. Once you get your picture up there with them, then you put the link to it in your message here.

Author:  Dennis Weaver [ Wed Jan 12, 2005 11:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Pierre, I couldn't tell you, they were second hand when I got 'em. Yep, they were on another car before mine :shock: They're definitely not stainless, they don't appear to have been aluminized. I've never had a problem with rusted out headers. I have no clue why.


Author:  Pierre [ Wed Jan 12, 2005 11:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

Muhahaha you just jinxed yourself.

To be completely honest I haven't had a rust issue with my cliffords either. I had them coated but that flaked off. We'll see how long that lasts.

Author:  Dennis Weaver [ Thu Jan 13, 2005 7:40 am ]
Post subject: 

I wuz born under a bad moon anyway...


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