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 Post subject: 1945 float setting
PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 12:33 pm 
what is the correct setting for the float on my carb? I have been having a tough time with my slant ever since i did a carb rebuild. First i thought the stumble when i'm hit the gas was from the accelerator pump not giving enough gas, but it was really just flooding the i put that back
then i was thinking the float was out of adjustment so i bent the tab so it filled up less...more power but it wouldn't start with out manually choking the engine(with my hand) so i took the top of the carb off(bottom still bolted down) and bent the tab so it would shut off with the float at the top, level with the sides..that worked while it was warm but a cold start would instantly flood the engine and it would bearily start.
so i have it set to shut off the gas with the float being about a 1/4 from the top of the carb(with the top part of the carb off of corse)
it doesn't have the pickup and go like it did but it doesn't stumble either, the biggest problem is that it wont start worth crap. It will start to fire while the started engaged and it needs the starter to crank it up to speed, not just start and do i fix this?

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 11:10 pm 
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Welcome to the world of 1945's. The tip of the floats should be level with the top of the body (inverted). Thats why I don't run my 1945...its a bitch to start cold, but runs and starts fine with the engine warm. I don't have time to screw around with it now though, so its the 1920 for me! I do notice a slight performance gain though with the 1945...

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 3:34 pm 
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There was a service bulletin somewhere along the way that revised the float level of the Holley 1945 carbs to "flush with top of bowl cover gasket". So put the gasket on top of the carb and set the float that way.

There is also a "on car" float adjustment procedure (which you may be doing now?). Along with all the disassembley/reassembly procedures it says to torque the inlet nut to 170 inch-pounds (after you loosen the fuel line flare nut), then fill the float bowl to 1/8" - 1/4" from the top. Be sure to use your finger to hold down that springy thing that holds the float hinge pin in place or you will have a faulty float adjustment.

Write back if you need more information since I left out some little details.

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