Slant Six Forum

keep the slant 6
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Author:  bg2005 [ Sat Jan 15, 2005 6:49 am ]
Post subject:  keep the slant 6

I have a 225 in a 66 Barracuda trying to deside weather to keep it or go to the V8 I have never built a 6 B4 ?Where do I start on the slant 6?

Author:  Bob D [ Sat Jan 15, 2005 7:09 am ]
Post subject: 

Keep it! Look in the article section ( and use the search feature of the forum. Have fun!
Bob D

Author:  Dennis Weaver [ Sat Jan 15, 2005 7:17 am ]
Post subject: 

I have a 225 in a 66 Barracuda trying to deside weather to keep it or go to the V8 I have never built a 6 B4 ?Where do I start on the slant 6?
Remove radiator. Remove the belhousing bolts that secure the engine to trans. separate exhaust headpipe from manifold. Disconnect all electrical conections, throttle cable, heater hoses, etc. Unfasten right and left engine mounts. Remove slant six engine.

Using sawzall or plasma cutter, ventilate fenderwells, remove transmission.

Install 440, 727 trans, fenderwell headers! :twisted: :D :lol:

Just kidding! (well, sorta) Check the archives and articles section, and I'm sure there will be lots of others to share good /6 advice here. One thing. I have a street/strip Duster with a /6 that I occasionally race, 4bbl, headers, "ram induction" etc. It's just a beat up old Duster, and it often gets more attention and thumbs up than built-ass 440 serious drag cars. How much do you wanna go fast, and how much do you wanna be unlike "the others"? ;)


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