Slant Six Forum

Rim measurement question
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Author:  busboy [ Sun Jan 16, 2005 8:57 am ]
Post subject:  Rim measurement question

If a rim is 14 x 7, is that 7" measurement bead to bead or outer rim to rim? Also, if it has a 3.5" backspace, is that considered zero offset? Have I got this right or can someone set me straight.

Author:  Matt Cramer [ Tue Jan 18, 2005 6:31 am ]
Post subject: 

I know it's zero offset and am pretty sure it's bead to bead. Also, this may not fit on some A-bodies without some changes to the fenders, as A-bodies typically need a bit of offset to fit wide tires.

Author:  Dart270 [ Tue Jan 18, 2005 2:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

Rims widths are measured between the inner bead surfaces. Usually, if you measure the outermost edges, that is 1" wider than the rim width.

So, for a 14X7" rim, 4" backspacing would be zero offset (8" wide total rim width, so 4" goes to the center of the rim from the inside edge).

3.5" backspace will work with not-too-wide tires (215 or narrower) on a 7" rim. 4-4.5" is better.


Author:  taintedspeed [ Wed Jan 26, 2005 9:00 pm ]
Post subject:  wheel backspace

backspace and offset are the same thing. one is measured in inches and the other is measured in + or - mm. a wheel with 3.5" backspace will put your tire furthur away from your brakes, while a wheel with a 4.5" backspace will tuck your tire inside the fender more. typically a wheel is purchased with either a rear drive, medium drive, or front drive offset/backspace. any wheel that comes off of a car with the same drive (rear, or front) as yours and carries the same bolt pattern will usually fit. the problem then comes with disc brakes as some of the older wheels were not built to accomadate the brake caliper. larger wheels dont tend to have problems going on a car where smaller wheels were taken off. in the case of the early a body, there is no other car that i am aware of that runs the same bolt pattern and therefore your options are very limited. the aftermarket wheels are not really expensive but there are limited styles available and nothing bigger that 14". good luck. -Randy

Author:  Charrlie_S [ Thu Jan 27, 2005 5:48 am ]
Post subject: 

Randy, you are correct, except there a some 15 in after market wheels available in the small pattern. Centerline, for one, has them on a special order basis. They will not sell to the retail customer, but you can call them and tell them what you want, and get a part number. Then call some place like Summit, or Jegs, etc, give them the part number, and they can give you the price, and order it for you. There are other suppliers as well. I just used Centerline as an example, because I checked on this a couple of months ago.

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