Slant Six Forum

Motor mounts availability......
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Author:  Eric W [ Tue Jan 18, 2005 9:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Motor mounts availability......

Anybody else have problems getting them? On monday, the driver side mount broke on the Satellite....called 5 different places, didn't have them. Called Napa and said they listed two, and will have them sent to my local one to look at. They where no where close to what I needed! I looked in their book and found the correct one, and had to be shipped up from Portland. That explain's why I couldn't find a passenger mount...turns out the Napa warehouse here has 6 of them in stock. I would have known that if they listed the correct application! I have seen this before when I was looking for the passenger side mount last year....the application listed was for a C body slant application. Anybody else having this problem? I suggest that if you need a mount, ask to look through the books at the parts strore to find the proper mount...if not, move on. And get a torque strap. My fan chewed a quarter size hole in the upper hose, drenching the engine compartment with coolent. :shock: Oh yeah, 40 bucks for two belts and an upper hose...nice. :?

Author:  Pierre [ Tue Jan 18, 2005 11:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeowza! Fan through raidator hose I haven't heard of before....

I've heard of other people having trouble finding the biscuit mounts as well but that was for A bodies. Next time I have the engine out (hopefully that won't be for a LONG time...) I'll probably try to find a spool-type k-frame from the 73+ A bodies.

Author:  Eric W [ Wed Jan 19, 2005 12:42 am ]
Post subject: 

Yeowza! Fan through raidator hose I haven't heard of before....
I run a clutch fan off a there is only about 3/4" space between the fan blades and upper hose.

Author:  Eric W [ Sat Jan 22, 2005 8:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Update: Ordered the part from Napa....the wrong one. So I went to Shucks (of all places) and found out they can get them Ancher part number 2275 (for you B body slant owners). Said it was supposed to be in today, but of course it wasn't. Got the old "Should be in tomorrow" line. :x I hope they don't mis-ship it, driving around with a C clamp on the mount bracket and frame lets in alot of vibration! On the plus side, it is easy to change....plenty of room in my big ol boat! 8)

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