Slant Six Forum

Oil Pan Gasket Installation Tips?
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Author:  Daddiojoe [ Fri Jan 21, 2005 8:35 am ]
Post subject:  Oil Pan Gasket Installation Tips?

Hey everybody, it's been a long time....

I need to replace my oil pan gasket because it is leaking at the front. I bought what seems to be a good quality FelPro gasket. When I replaced the engine it was kind of tough getting the front seal--thick rubber--part of the gasket lined up. This time, w/o the engine hanging from a chain, it will probably be even tougher.

So, any suggestions? The engine is in a 71 D100.



Author:  Doctor Dodge [ Mon Jan 24, 2005 11:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sounds like you want to do this with the engine in the truck.
Get the truck into the spot you want and drain the oil, let it sit there and drain for at least a day.

Read thru this article and get yourself a can of carb cleaner and some weatherstrip glue. Clean the block surfaces and glue the gaskets to the block as shown. ... n-seal.htm

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