Slant Six Forum

slant six 4 speed ????
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Author:  slantsixduster [ Sun Feb 06, 2005 1:43 pm ]
Post subject:  slant six 4 speed ????

i bought a 75 duster with a 225 and it has a manual trans in it the guy said it was a four speed did this year or any year slant sixes come with four speeds and would it be worth switching out my built 727 for a four speed thanks for the help

Author:  zedpapa [ Sun Feb 06, 2005 6:06 pm ]
Post subject:  four speed?

that year and that motor? probably going to be an overdrive A-833. best way to check is to look at the shift levers on the side of the tranny. an OD unit will have the front front one pointing down and the rear one pointing up. regular 4spds will have both levers pointing up. if its aluminum i think thats a way to tell also if it is an OD tranny.


Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sun Feb 06, 2005 8:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yep, in '75 the A833OD overdrive 4-speed (or, as Chrysler called it, "3-speed with overdrive") became available with the Slant-6 in A-bodies. There was a '75 Dart 4-door with 225/4spd for a lot of years in a particular Denver-area wrecking yard I used to frequent.

Author:  Mr Rico [ Mon Feb 07, 2005 6:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: slant six 4 speed ????

i bought a 75 duster with a 225 and it has a manual trans in it the guy said it was a four speed did this year or any year slant sixes come with four speeds and would it be worth switching out my built 727 for a four speed thanks for the help
I would say Heck yea its worth it. I am going to make the swap in my 73 Scamp and I want the OD trans. If you don't want what you have let me know I would be in.

Author:  Guest [ Fri Feb 11, 2005 12:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: slant six 4 speed ????

i bought a 75 duster with a 225 and it has a manual trans in it the guy said it was a four speed did this year or any year slant sixes come with four speeds and would it be worth switching out my built 727 for a four speed thanks for the help
I would say Heck yea its worth it. I am going to make the swap in my 73 Scamp and I want the OD trans. If you don't want what you have let me know I would be in.
I think you should sell it to this cracker head. :evil:

Author:  Mr Rico [ Fri Feb 11, 2005 12:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: slant six 4 speed ????

i bought a 75 duster with a 225 and it has a manual trans in it the guy said it was a four speed did this year or any year slant sixes come with four speeds and would it be worth switching out my built 727 for a four speed thanks for the help
I would say Heck yea its worth it. I am going to make the swap in my 73 Scamp and I want the OD trans. If you don't want what you have let me know I would be in.
I think you should sell it to this cracker head. :evil:
Cracker head, thats so sweet, I notice you hide your name before you reply. Smart guy. Thanks

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