Slant Six Forum

Ball Joints Again
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Author:  mszauner [ Thu Feb 10, 2005 7:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Ball Joints Again

My 73 Duster has all new suspension components (about 1 year old). Recently, my son slid on some ice and smacked the passenger front tire against a curb. It cracked a wheel cover but it now appears that ALL FOUR ball joints are loose. I wouldn't think ball joints are that easy to knock out. Also, after I had done the ball joints I replaced the strut rod bushings and LCA bushings. I had someone else do it because he had a hoist and could do the alignment. I am wondering if he failed to torque it back right or something. Has anyone every heard of ball joints crapping out that easily? Thanks.

Author:  mszauner [ Sun Feb 20, 2005 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Yep

Well, as I began tearing into the ball joints, I put the old torque wrench on the stud nuts and determined that this guy torqued only to 55 ftlb and it should have been 100. That explaiins the problem. I went ahead and replaced them although I could have maybe gotten away with retorquing. I replaced upper and lower ball joints on both sides and the inner and outer tie rod ends on both sides. Sad I had to do that after a little over a year but now I should be set. Once again proving that it is better to work on your own car than let someone else.

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