Slant Six Forum

Drum to Disc with least Junkyard Parts?
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Author:  63Dart [ Mon Feb 28, 2005 1:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Drum to Disc with least Junkyard Parts?

I see at where I can get the rotors, 4 piston loaded calipers, master cylinder, hoses, bearings and balljoints for my SBP 63 Dart.

(I just log on and pretend it's a 72 Dart).

I think I still might need a different spindle, but I'm not sure.

I don't think I need the upper A-arm like if I was putting on the later brakes.

Does anyone know what other parts I would need (besides a proportioning valve) to bolt the early disc brakes to a pre-73 A body?????

I'm trying to avoid having to use too much junkyard stuff. The yards around here are not that cheap anyway.


Author:  65 dartman [ Mon Feb 28, 2005 4:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

You'll definitely need the hard-to-find SBP disc spindle. I checked with Rock Auto on the rotors. They do not include the center hub, just the outer rotor itself, which like the spindle, is a junkyard, eBay type or possibly this list type of item. I'm getting ready (when it's a bit warmer out) to do this conversion on 3 of my A Bodies (65 Barracuda, 65 Valiant convert and 65 Dart convert. Good luck on your conversion project.

Author:  relic-lover [ Mon Feb 28, 2005 10:20 pm ]
Post subject:  lots of small stuff

The hubs, lugs and lug nuts, hard brake lines and hard cross over brake
lines on the calipers, pad retainers, Flex brake line retainer clip, caliper
to spindle bolts, lower ball joint to spindle bolts, and the brake line
bracket that holds the flex line to hard line junction to the caliper bolts.

On 63 to 72 you just need the parts between the ball joints (inclusive).

I got a few of the above parts through year one. Watch the core charges
if you have no cores I saw over a hundred dollar core charge on rebuilt
4 piston calipers. The ball joint to spindle bolts and the funny brake line
bracket I would guess to be the hardest to track down piecemeal. The
spindles and hubs I think are only available as used (junkyard).

Author:  vynn3 [ Tue Mar 01, 2005 6:25 am ]
Post subject: 

F.Y.I., despite the website listing, when I ordered the loaded calipers for MY '72 last spring, Rockauto called me back and said they were out of stock indefinitely. Guess that could've changed by now, but I wouldn't count on the website...

I ended up finding them on the Autozone site, and yes, they're pricey. Looking back, I probably should've shelled out a few more bucks and got the brand-new aluminum Force 10 calipers from SSBC. Live and learn...

Hope this helps.


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