Slant Six Forum

where to find the '71-'77 /6 cam?
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Author:  CreamedPossum [ Tue Mar 01, 2005 3:46 pm ]
Post subject:  where to find the '71-'77 /6 cam?

I went to the parts house today, and they looked it up, and only show a cam for something like 60-85. Not one specifially for the 71-77 engines. Where can i find this cam? Thanks.


Author:  Rust collector [ Tue Mar 01, 2005 3:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

I THINK they use the 71 up cam as a replacement for all years.

Author:  Eric W [ Tue Mar 01, 2005 6:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

Might also try some marine supply stores.....The cam is the same as used in the 225 marine engine. Of course, you'll have to find one that can still get Chrysler Marine parts or have some in stock. You'll also have to make sure its for a clock-wise rotating motor.

Author:  CreamedPossum [ Wed Mar 02, 2005 7:17 am ]
Post subject: 

Can anyone confirm that the '71 up cam is the one that they use for the replacement for all engines?


Author:  SlantSixDan [ Wed Mar 02, 2005 6:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

The year splits being mentioned here aren't right.
The original camshaft year differences were as follows (intake duration/exhaust duration/overlap/lift):

1960-1964 used a 232° / 228° / 8° / 0.37" cam

1965-1970 used a 240° / 236° / 16° / 0.395" cam

1971-1980 used a 244° / 244° / 26° / 0.414" cam (a version of this cam was also used in marine engines, and this is the only cam that is serviced in the stock-cam aftermarket for all 1960-1980 slant-6 engines).

1981-up slant-6s use hydraulic lifters and take a completely different camshaft (228° duration, etc., NOT compatible with solid lifters in pre-'81 engines!).

So if you absolutely gotta have a stock '71-'80 cam, it's not hard to find; NAPA will sell you one right over the counter. It's the earlier '60-'64 and '65-'70 cams that can't be had. But I must ask: Why this specific cam? The Mopar Performance P4120243 is 244° / 244° / 28° / 0.436" lift. The extra lift makes a very nice difference in engine torque and performance compared to the '71-'80 stock cam. MP will no longer sell you a new one, but I'm about to send my new-in-box P4120243 to Doug so his cam grinder can pattern it and run off new ones.

DS (I would not trust a parts source that listed a camshaft as fitting "all 1960 to 1985 slant-6 engines".)

Author:  CreamedPossum [ Wed Mar 02, 2005 7:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

i couldn't remember the actual years that they told me, but the '60-'80 sounds about right. The reason i'm wanting that cam, is i figure it's cheaper, and i'm not really building this motor for tons of hp. This car is going to be my daily drive, and i'm wanting to pull as much mpg out of it that i can. So i figured that a performance cam would be defeating that purpose. and all the pricing i've seen on the other cams start at about $200, when i can pick up the stock cam for $130 w/ lifters. I'm a student trying to fix up this car, so money kind of controls what i can do with it.


Author:  68barracuda [ Sat Feb 23, 2008 1:01 am ]
Post subject: 

Hi all

Just to ad lib the ausies used the 71 style cam 244 etc with a 9.2 cr (published) and the changed the angle of the exhaust seat to 43 degrees in the vf8 and oh yes the other info I was searching for

155psi presure tested for 9.2 cr


Author:  DusterIdiot [ Sat Feb 23, 2008 7:59 am ]
Post subject:  If you gotta have...

Have a 'stock grind' cam from an old rebuild kit, new in the box... it's a Sealed Power CS-380 stock replacement for 225's... I'd sell it to ya for $50+SHI... (you'll need lifters for it)

PM me if interested.


Author:  Wvbuzzmaster [ Sun Feb 09, 2014 9:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

The Mopar Performance P4120243 is 244° / 244° / 28° / 0.436" lift. The extra lift makes a very nice difference in engine torque and performance compared to the '71-'80 stock cam. MP will no longer sell you a new one, but I'm about to send my new-in-box P4120243 to Doug so his cam grinder can pattern it and run off new ones.
Did this ever occur? I would be interested in this cam, sounds like what I need/want for my very mild build.

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Mon Feb 10, 2014 6:50 am ]
Post subject:  Yes...

Did this ever occur? I would be interested in this cam, sounds like what I need/want for my very mild build.
Yes it did back in 2008-2009 and Erson Cams had it, and has now lost the pattern I think after our group buy was over...Hopefully Doc can comment on an alternate source, but this cam feels much like the comp 252 as well and also gets better at 9:1 SCR.


Author:  Doc [ Mon Feb 10, 2014 9:08 am ]
Post subject: 

The special Erson RDP cams we designed are better then the old Mopar 244.
Those special Ersom cam grinds use the Mopar 244's exhaust lobe with a different Intake lobe.


Author:  Wvbuzzmaster [ Mon Feb 10, 2014 9:35 am ]
Post subject: 

Ok, so is there anyone that may have one or am I stuck looking at the comp 252?

I see the mp4120234 cams on different parts websites, are they the same as the old mopar cam, or are they a shot in the dark that is just an attempt by a company to grab that market share?

Author:  Doc [ Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:13 am ]
Post subject: 

Here is a good thread to review:

Call Erson and see if they have the design / masters to grind a RV10/295 or the RV15/295.
The "/295" is the old Mopar 244 Exhaust lobe pattern I sent them so ask specifically for that master and ask in detail, if they still have it.
Let us know what they tell you,

Author:  Wvbuzzmaster [ Mon Feb 10, 2014 8:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

What is the difference between the RV10 and RV15, or is that just a number and I need not worry either way?
I will have to look and see if I can find a phone number online for them somewhere.

Author:  Doc [ Wed Feb 12, 2014 11:14 am ]
Post subject: 

There is a little more intake duration on the RV15/295 design.


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