Slant Six Forum

SS Brakes & 10 inch Drums
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Author:  63Dart [ Wed Mar 02, 2005 5:39 pm ]
Post subject:  SS Brakes & 10 inch Drums

It appears that SS Brakes has a disc brake kit that will work on my Dart.

The only problem is that it requires spindles for the "10 inch" drum and not the "9 inch" drum like I have.

In theory, this kit would work if I simply got a 10 inch drum spindle, correct????

ALSO - does anyone have experience with the SS Brakes kit??? Good, bad???

Author:  63Dart [ Thu Mar 03, 2005 2:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

OK - Bill Cummings from SS Brakes just got back to me. Their kit will work on my 63 Dart if I can locate some 10 inch spindles.

Does anyone have any they'd like to sell me???


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