Slant Six Forum

New Leafs and Shocks!!!
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Author:  ValiantBoyWonder [ Sat Mar 05, 2005 2:43 pm ]
Post subject:  New Leafs and Shocks!!!

so in what order would be best to change these? i have new leafs with bushings and such, and new kyb shocks. is there a certain pattern i should follow???

first time doing this :roll: :oops:

Author:  Rust collector [ Sat Mar 05, 2005 2:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Should not be anything special involved...
Take off the brackets that hold the springs, I think it is easyer than getting the bolts out of the springs, then work with them off the car?

Author:  MoparNick [ Sun Mar 06, 2005 12:03 am ]
Post subject: 

First I get the rear of the car in the air by resting the frame on jackstands so the rear wheels are off the ground. Remove your rear wheels. WD-40 all the bolts well at least a couple of times and let sit a little while first. Remove the old shock absorbers. Then put a floor jack under the center of the rearend. I've changed leaf springs and rearends a couple of times and the best advice I can give you is DON'T bother to undo the U-bolts, they are a pain to remove, just cut them OFF !!! New ones are cheap and good insurance against reused rusty ones breaking. Leave the rearend attached to the driveshaft and jack it up out of the way. Undo the brackets holding the leafspring to the frame. These other bolts you can reuse if they are in good shape after you clean them up. Install your new springs on your brackets, then attach the front spring bracket to the car then the rear , you may need another floor jack under the spring to help with this, lower the rearend and attach with new U-bolts, attach new shocks, tighten everything, but don't torque your bolts and nuts to specs until you lower the car on the ground. Then I would recheck torque after a couple of days of driving around.


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