Slant Six Forum

Nice Looking SuperSix setup !
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Author:  MileHighDart [ Sun Mar 06, 2005 9:29 am ]
Post subject:  Nice Looking SuperSix setup !

Great looking supersix conversion !

Too bad it wont run !

Looks like the 25.00 swap meet carb I bought is going to need a rebuild, or maybe I'll use it for a core and get a remanufactured one. The accelerator pump on this holley carb doesn't work AT ALL, no squirt of any kind. So I cant even get the car started !
Thats just like me though,, I spend countless hours cleaning, grinding, sanding, painting every little piece, replace all the nuts, bolts and other hardware, so it all looks great, but I expect a $25.00 carb I got from a swap meet to just bolt on and run !
Oh well, I was really looking forward to having it running this weekend, but looks like the works not over.
<img src= width=400>
Other things I did during the conversion include, enlarging the outlet on the exhaust manifold to 2-1/4", and re-routing the fuel line up and over the valve cover using fuel injection hose and a new metal fuel filter placed behind the alternator. Also relocated the coil from its home down by the fuel pump, to a nicer location on the fenderwell. Heres another pic
<img src= width=400>

EDIT: Resized pics.


Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sun Mar 06, 2005 10:31 am ]
Post subject: 

That is indeed a very nicely-detailed engine. Looks like you used a '70-'72 exhaust manifold and made a blockoff plate for the open-hole choke stove found on these manifolds. That open stove can be put to good use to increase your carburetor options if you're willing to do a little fabrication...!

How'd we wind up with a Holley carb? What's it from? No OEM 2bbl Holleys on slant-6s.
maybe I'll use it for a core and get a remanufactured one
"Remanufactured" carburetors are junk. Find a good Carter BBD core and send it to a reputable carburetor refurbisher (e.g. the Old Carb Doctor, 800-945-CARB) for a full and *proper* restoration including rebushing the throttle body, etc.

I like your fuel line routing, but then I would, then, wouldn't I? ;-)

Author:  Rust collector [ Sun Mar 06, 2005 10:52 am ]
Post subject: 

Didn´t they use holleys in the 80´s?
That engine really look good!
Hope you find a carb soon.
And that you don´t get an oil leak...

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sun Mar 06, 2005 11:03 am ]
Post subject: 

Didn´t they use holleys in the 80´s?

There were no Holley 2bbl carbs used on Slant-6s from the factory, in any year.

Author:  GuyLR [ Sun Mar 06, 2005 2:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

That's a Holley 2280 which is a direct replacement for the BBD. Chrysler did use them on some later 318 cars but probably not the Slant. I've got one on my car and it works fine except for hot starts in the Summer.

<img src= width=400>

EDIT: Resized pic


Author:  Charrlie_S [ Sun Mar 06, 2005 5:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hey guys, When you post pictures, could you please edit them. Some of us have dial up and they take forever to load, plus it is a pain to have to scroll left and right to read the thread. Thanks.

Author:  GuyLR [ Sun Mar 06, 2005 5:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sorry Charlie, I thought 640 was the limit.


Author:  Slant6Ram [ Mon Mar 07, 2005 6:21 am ]
Post subject:  Off topic request

Hey superscamp, I have a working holley 2280 that just needs better trottle plates. The current ones are worn egg shaped and bind badly.

Would you be interested in doing a swap of some kind or trading me yours for a different core (if you're dumping yours anyway). Do the trottle plates look good and don't bind on yours. Send me a pm if interested.

Author:  '74 Sport [ Mon Mar 07, 2005 7:32 am ]
Post subject: 

Very nice, indeed.

I still want to know where you guys are getting those chrome valve covers. Did you make your own EGR and choke pocket block-off plates?

Looks very clean, like I want ours to look.


Author:  SlantSixDan [ Mon Mar 07, 2005 7:49 am ]
Post subject: 

That chrome valve cover is always available cheaply on eBay. I'm not too impressed with the quality (Chinese?) and the lack of internal baffles makes a nuisance. My preference is for an original cover (painted or chromed or black-crackle) or an aluminum cover (Offy, but those are spendy).

EGR blockoff plates are likewise available in aluminum on eBay on a regular basis. Not choke pocket blockoffs, though, that had to be a custom-cut deal.

I'm curious what sort of paint/coating was used on the exhaust manifold.

Author:  MileHighDart [ Mon Mar 07, 2005 8:02 am ]
Post subject: 

First let me say, Thanks for all the nice comments about my super six.

SlantSixDan - asked, why holley ? Well I had heard that there were hollys and carters used on the super six setups, and I spotted this holly at a swap meet one day. Turns out I cant find the designation "2280" anywhere on the carb, there is another number, something like 2543 I think, not sure. But it looked right, it fits the manifold, the linkage moves the right direction and it hooked right up so I figured I'd try it !.

If you read the "SuperSix" article posted in the articles section it states:
"The factory offered two different carburetors in the Super Six package, each with their own quirks. The most common carburetor is the Carter BBD. This is a two barrel carburetor which flows about 280 CFM. The other carburetor was the Holley 2280."
Also when I had Autozone on the phone yesterday checking on remanufactured carbs, the salesman gave me a price for the carter, then said, "I also have the Holly" and I got a price on that as well. So they must have been available at some time. When I called I told them it was for a 77 dodge aspen.

Anyway, I'm not sure now which way i'll go, I have a Carter BBD core as well that I got with my supersix setup. I'm not sure its rebuildable since it looks like there are pieces missing from where someone converted it to manual choke. The plastic or nylon piece on the side of the carb and the linkage between it and the choke shaft is missing.
So basically I could rebuild the holly myself, or I could get a reman, holly or carter since I have cores for both !
I need to get the car back on the road soon since this is suppost to be my daily driver.

Charlie - Sorry about the large pics,, l'll try to keep the size down on future posts. I'm on dail-up as well and it does slow things down.

74 Sport - The Chrome valve covers are available on Ebay all the time, theres several on there right now. Just do a search for "slant six" and you'll find them. The EGR and Choke well block off plates I made myself out of some 3/8" aluminum plate that I had lying around, but you can find the egr plate on ebay as well. I just prefer making my own stuff where I can.

So whats the popular choice Holly, or Carter ? Seems like all I read about on this site is the Carter.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Mon Mar 07, 2005 8:11 am ]
Post subject: 

As others have mentioned, the Holley 2280 was an aftermarket carb that was offered (by Holley) for Chrysler 2bbl applications including the 225 and the 318. It was never factory installed.

I prefer the Carters; I've personally never had good results with the Holley 2280, but others have made them work just fine. The condition of the carb you wind up with is probably more important than the brand.

It's possible your existing 2280 just has the kinds of problems that arise from long-term sitting. Certainly accelerator pumps can dry up and otherwise perish just with age and non-use, so maybe your first step ought to be a plain ol' rebuild kit, which will probably get the carb working. Play with it awhile, and if you can't make it work the way you'd like it to, look around for other carbs.

Author:  MileHighDart [ Mon Mar 07, 2005 8:24 am ]
Post subject: 

I think your on the right track there, thats exactly what I was thinking about. Just get a kit for the holly first and try a rebuild. I'm not great at rebuilding carbs, but i've done a couple. If I screw it up, big deal, i'm out the cost of a carb kit. Its worth a try anyway.

Thanks everyone

Author:  NewLancerMan [ Mon Mar 07, 2005 8:37 am ]
Post subject: 

...the lack of internal baffles makes a nuisance. \
What purpose do the baffles serve? I've seen them on the stock and offy covers, and was curious....


Author:  MileHighDart [ Mon Mar 07, 2005 9:13 am ]
Post subject: 

SlantSixDan, Sorry I missed your question about what paint was used on the exhaust manifold.
I believe its Krylon but the can says High Heat Ceramic and its in the "aluminum" color. I got it at Napa
The can says its good to 1200 degrees. I guess well see how well it holds up to everyday driving. My guess is that it wont last all that long but time will tell.

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