Slant Six Forum

another block ID question
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Author:  fatbaldguy [ Tue Mar 08, 2005 7:23 am ]
Post subject:  another block ID question

I have a block ID that doesn't appear to match anything that I've seen.
The only numbers that I get off the side are F 530-6 2898 and the time stamps on the other side. I have the suffix "aawj" on the side and it has mechancial lifters which leads me to believe it's somewhere between 77-80. Also, according to my parts interchange book my head, intake manifold and exhaust manifold have casting numbers from '79. Could anyone tell me why this block doesn't match any apparent lists that I've seen?

Author:  Slant6Ram [ Tue Mar 08, 2005 8:46 am ]
Post subject:  You're about right

I've seen several with the markings you described, and just pulled one just like that from a 1978 dodge aspen. I don't know if it's the origional motor thought. The other I saw was in an early 80's truck, and I doubt it was the origional.

I don't think anybody has posted complete info on the cast crank blocks, since the steel crank won't interchange and the steel crank is choice for serious racing.

I have heard some are using the cast crank motors to build up, but I just don't think there is as much interest in exact vintage when you get into the later slants.

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