Slant Six Forum

pcv question
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Author:  wayne225 [ Mon Mar 14, 2005 10:13 am ]
Post subject:  pcv question

Just wondering which vacume port on the carb. or intake that should be routed to the pcv? Mine was connected to the biggest port on the back side(closest to the firewall) of the carb. The engine just was'nt running right and was lacking power. I ended up moving it to a smaller port with a little less vacume and the engine does a lot better. I also moved the spark advance hose from the osac(sp?)on the breather to a port directly on the carb and also got better results. It has taken me quite some time to get it running this good.Has anyone else had to do these adjustments on your /sixes to get more out of it?


Author:  Rust collector [ Mon Mar 14, 2005 10:24 am ]
Post subject: 

I have always bypassed the osac valve, but I have not needed to move the pcv hose...
Are you sure the valve is ok?

Author:  Slant6Ram [ Mon Mar 14, 2005 11:54 am ]
Post subject:  Yes

I have 2 running slants without the OSAC valves. I think this was an emissions control device, at the expense of some power.

As for the PCV, I have noticed the condition you are describing. I have not yet determined the cause and I haven't encountered such an easy solution as simply using a different port. :?

I have been guessing that different timing causes vacuum settings to change and that depending on the year model carb, the port was tuned to have a correct vacuum signal. Yet another reason it is so difficult/important to properly combine all the elements.

I've yet to see a good explaination of how to fit all this stuff together properly from a big bin of unidentified parts. (Such has always been my luck) Trial and error has resulted in a pretty kicking street six at the moment. :D

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