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69 a body fuel tank sending unit fit a 62 Lancer?
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Author:  NewLancerMan [ Tue Apr 26, 2005 8:59 am ]
Post subject:  69 a body fuel tank sending unit fit a 62 Lancer?

my gas gauge doens't work, haven't figured out why yet. A friend offered me a working sending unit in case that's the trouble. Would the 69 fit? Are they all the same? I assumed they might be, but wanted to be sure before I take something from him that I may or may not need.



Author:  SlantSixDan [ Tue Apr 26, 2005 10:34 am ]
Post subject: 

I don't know for certain, but I'm afraid that it might not. The 4051004 unit fits '63-'74, while the 4051006 fits '75-'76, but I've never seen a reference to anyone using either of these in a '60-'62. The difference is likely to be something that could maybe be got around by judicious bending of rods and tubes. But if the gauge sits on "Empty" all the time, it's probable you just need a new float.

Author:  NewLancerMan [ Tue Apr 26, 2005 11:11 am ]
Post subject: 

yep its on empty all the time. I just figured if he was offering and I was driving out to see him this weekend, It'd be worth getting if there was a chance that could be my problemo ;-)



Author:  Bluesmoke [ Tue Apr 26, 2005 5:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

I was just recently fiddling with the gas tank on my 62. My fuel gauge was always reading empty just like yours. I discovered that one of the wires had slipped off the sending unit - a quick reconnect and my gas guage is now working perfect!

It's easy to check. There's only one nut holding on the engine strap. All I did was undo that nut and lower the nut side of the tank about 15cm (6inches) and let the tank rest on a block of wood. This let me clearly see the sending unit and I could then fiddle with it.

My only word of caution - there's a short section of flexible fuel line (that lets you drop the tank like this yet leave everything otherwise connected). Mine was original and fairly brittle. When I lowered the tank it started to weep and I had to replace it.

Good luck!

Author:  NewLancerMan [ Tue Apr 26, 2005 9:35 pm ]
Post subject: 


thanks for the tips. I saw the fuel line and blue wire that goes to the sending unit when I was under the car. My tank also appears to have some kind of padding in between it and the underside of the car. I'll try the loosen it a touch trick and *hope* that's all it is. That would be neat!

Thanks for the tips. BTW is the flex line anything special or just regular fuel line (which I have lots of...fuel injection line)


Author:  Bluesmoke [ Wed Apr 27, 2005 7:20 am ]
Post subject: 

It's just regular old fuel line.

The old line off my 62 had the braiding on the outside as a sheath. My guess is 40+ years ago they didn't have the technology or it was too expensive to form the line with the braiding built right into the rubber itself like the modern stuff.

Author:  relic-lover [ Wed Apr 27, 2005 4:10 pm ]
Post subject:  61 vs. 63 sender

The 61 sender goes in though the upper passenger side of the tank and
has a long pick up tube and float arm. Very different than the 63 sender
which goes in through the middle of the tank backside. The 63 sender
has a short pickup tube.

I am not familiar with the 62 tank - I would say if the sender unit goes in
through the middle of the back of the tank (like the 63) the 69 unit will fit.
If it is like the 61, up on the upper passenger side near the frame rail,
you would need a 60-61 sending unit.

Author:  Bluesmoke [ Wed Apr 27, 2005 6:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sender on the 62 is located near the top on the passenger side.

Author:  cudaman1973 [ Thu Apr 28, 2005 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  sending unit

hey!does your buddy want to sell that 69 sending unit, mine does'nt work either?

Author:  NewLancerMan [ Fri Apr 29, 2005 5:57 am ]
Post subject: 

relic thanks for the info--always helping out!

I'm going with the hope that its just the float and I'll use the ford one as a replacement.

BTW saw two cars you might be interested in on ebay that are in san diego. A 62 wagon and 61 signet vert. Cheap, and in need of some loving for sure.

just fyi


Author:  slantvaliant [ Fri Apr 29, 2005 6:19 am ]
Post subject: 

My current sender float was made from a model airplane gas tank. I have a real float waiting for the next time I have to open the tank up.

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