Slant Six Forum

Greg Mader's 65 Barracuda
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Author:  gmader [ Thu Aug 04, 2005 2:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Greg Mader's 65 Barracuda

Okay, I am finally putting up some pics of the car. So far, I have rebuilt the rear suspension, and I am working on the front.
  • Ford 8" rear end (pomona swap meet)
    1 1/4" wheel spacers (trailsport)
    New HD springs (espo)
    Disk brakes ( The Streetrod Manufacturing Company)
    Cadillac calipers, with stock E-Brake cables
    2005 16" mustang wheels
    205/55R16 dunlop tires

  • Moog ball joints, tie rods, bushings
    Viper calipers
    AR Engineering adapters
    braced K-frame from firmfeel.
Pics on the front end as it develops.


Author:  GuyLR [ Mon Aug 22, 2005 8:00 am ]
Post subject: 

Nice car but those wheels have got to go before that Plymouth has an alergic reaction!

Author:  Rob Simmons [ Mon Aug 22, 2005 8:45 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey Guy,

You need to change your signature now that your fish swam away. Did another member of NGMC buy it or did it swim further up river?

I think those wheels work. You just need some sort of Mopar logo in the center though. :wink:

Author:  GuyLR [ Mon Aug 22, 2005 10:16 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey Guy,

You need to change your signature now that your fish swam away. Did another member of NGMC buy it or did it swim further up river?

I think those wheels work. You just need some sort of Mopar logo in the center though. :wink:
Nobody here in GA. It's going to be in Houston now. The new owner is a great guy that didn't immediately say "I'm going to stick a 340 in 'er" so I'm happy.


Author:  gmader [ Mon Aug 22, 2005 2:23 pm ]
Post subject:  I do love those salt flat wheels!

But when I was doing the "Design" (ha!) of my suspension/steering upgrades, AR discontinued them, and I would have needed custom offsets as well. I always liked the look on your barracuda, though.

The ford wheels will be painted up when I paint the car. In the meantime, I will be putting a carefully cut piece of black duct tape over the centers before I put the car on the road.

I am getting the front rotors machined to fit today, so the front is coming along.


Author:  GuyLR [ Mon Aug 22, 2005 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I do love those salt flat wheels!

But when I was doing the "Design" (ha!) of my suspension/steering upgrades, AR discontinued them, and I would have needed custom offsets as well. I always liked the look on your barracuda, though.

The ford wheels will be painted up when I paint the car. In the meantime, I will be putting a carefully cut piece of black duct tape over the centers before I put the car on the road.

I am getting the front rotors machined to fit today, so the front is coming along.

I'll look great! Good luck with it.

Author:  gmader [ Wed Dec 28, 2005 8:26 pm ]
Post subject:  more pics from the front end

I have the front assembled and the brakes bled. I need to get insurance, and then it should be driveable. :D





and one from the rear end


Author:  emsvitil [ Wed Dec 28, 2005 8:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

What's the diameter of the rotor?


Looks like you're using a wheel adaptor, did you need special offset (backspacing) up front compared to the rear wheels?

and can you get any bolt pattern you want?

Author:  sandy in BC [ Wed Dec 28, 2005 8:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Awesome work Greg!....I like your sway bar mount solution and will probably redo mine with you layout in mind.

Nice work!

Author:  emsvitil [ Wed Dec 28, 2005 8:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Caliper

Wait, I'm confused, 2 different types of caliper..........

Author:  emsvitil [ Wed Dec 28, 2005 8:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

OH, that's the rear caliper.........

Author:  gmader [ Wed Dec 28, 2005 8:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the kind words, especially from you, Sandy. You kept me going on this sway bar project when I was pretty discouraged.

The rear caliper is an early 1980's Cadillac Eldorado, using custom brackets and rotors. I bought them from here Now for the complicated explaination..... I am using a ford 8 inch rear end, as it is stronger and had more options for trak-loc, gears, etc than the 7.25 that was in there. And, it had the big bolt pattern that I needed to match the disks that I was putting on the front.

The front rotors are the standard 11.75 B-body disks, and I am using one of Andyf's kits to mount the viper calipers.

On to backspacing.... On the front I am using 1 inch spacers. On the back, I am using 1.25. The rear end is slightly narrower than the original, and this helps get the rear wheels right smack in the middle of the wheel wells. I got my spacers at trailsport, in Colton, CA. ... enameZWDVW

I live at almost 5000 feet in the San Bernardino Mountains, and want to drive this car to work at the bottom of the mountains, in Redlands, CA. I probably overkilled every part of this project so far ( C-body tie rods, beefy brakes, modern wheels and tires, etc), but I have seen more wrecks in the two years I lived here than I ever saw when I lived in Chicago. I wanted the extra margin on everything.

Thanks for the compliments, and hope that your projects are going well, too.

Author:  Dart270 [ Thu Dec 29, 2005 6:32 am ]
Post subject: 


Fantastic work, mate. That sucker should pull your eyeballs out when you stop and handle great to boot. I'll be interested in how your front/rear proportioning works out.

Slant on,


Author:  gmader [ Thu Dec 29, 2005 6:42 am ]
Post subject: 

Lou, I hope you see a lot of your self in this suspension and brake build. Your advice and experience had a lot to do with the choices that I made.

I can't wait to take this thing racing. That is a few months away, minimum, but for the first time since I was in high school, I will be doing something that I really love, car racing. Then it was circle track, with some other high school kids, now, it will be rallys, autocross, drags, whatever.


Author:  gmader [ Thu Dec 29, 2005 11:54 am ]
Post subject:  wheel spacers, backspacing, and scrub radius

I realized my answer earlier didn't tell the whole story:
On to backspacing.... On the front I am using 1 inch spacers. On the back, I am using 1.25. The rear end is slightly narrower than the original, and this helps get the rear wheels right smack in the middle of the wheel wells. I got my spacers at trailsport, in Colton, CA.
The real issue on the front was getting the scrub radius right, with the mustang wheels. The wheels had an offset of 1.53125 inches (Depth from edge to backside of the rim minus 1/2 of the overall width). The desired scrub radius ( where the imaginary "equator" of the tire is when the tire is turning right or left) would put this .5 inches positive. To get this, adding a 1 inch spacer put me at .53125 inches, which is close enough.

Also, I had the "snout" or center of the rotor machined down to 2.75 inches in diameter, in order to fit the mustang wheels. It was only a 1/16th inch change from the standard rotor, but needed to fit the centers of the ford wheels.

Hope this helps anybody considering similar work.


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