Slant Six Forum

Rodney is the King! (and N. Wilkesboro report)
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Author:  Dart270 [ Sun Aug 07, 2005 8:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Rodney is the King! (and N. Wilkesboro report)

Congrats to Rodney Hargis, 2005 points clincher.

We got to run the whole race today, after threatening sprinkles. Used the ladder from Sat for 18 cars (record for NW race?). 12 cars made 2 time runs and 11 ran elims.

Rodney put out Ron Parker in the 3rd round, had a bye into the final, but the car copped some low oil pressure and low battery and couldn't run the final. That gives him 41 pts for this race and 156 overall, I believe.

Local rookie Michael (??) with 73 Duster won the 50pt race with his arm hangin' out the windah.

Lots of bye runs due to the cars who couldn't stay for Sunday.

Everyone got to meet Cameron Tilley and we all had a great time bench racing for most of Sat and part of Sun.

It was fantastic to see the Drakes with the Simca out in full splendor running some 6.40s and 6.50s with the throttle stop at 3/4 WOT. Gonna be deadly next year, methinks...

Dale Rose had his Arrow supercharged to 5psi, running some coarsely tuned 6.60s.

I had fun with the V, running 10.09 @68.4 best, but drew Meril in the 1st round and he put a 0.050 package on me and I broke out catching him with my worse light.

Slant on,


Author:  slantzilla [ Sun Aug 07, 2005 9:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Congratulations to Rodney! :D

Sounds like Dale and Tom are gonna be neck and neck next year. :D

Thanks for the update Lou! :shock:

Author:  Rob Simmons [ Mon Aug 08, 2005 1:23 am ]
Post subject: 

Schweeeet! Thanks for the update Lou!

It's hard to root for anyone in particular since everyone's family, but Rodney definitely is deserving! He's had it coming for quite awhile.

Does this really cinch it, or is there a chance that Ron Parker could eek something out of the remaining races? Probably doubtful that he will do the long pulls for the smaller races I gues. I always like a nail-biter to the end though.

That's awesome that a Rookie took the whole thing!

It's too bad that Norm couldn't make it.

It's good to hear the Drake's Simca and Dale's Arrow are back at it as well. And 18 cars! That's awesome! That surely made Seymour happy!

Rock on Slanted Family!

Author:  Tom Drake [ Mon Aug 08, 2005 4:11 am ]
Post subject: 

Congrats to Rodney. Glad you got the race in on Sunday.

Author:  Slant6Ram [ Mon Aug 08, 2005 10:37 am ]
Post subject:  Great racing!

I think Rodney also wins the Drake consistency thing. That should help him get his car fixed.
is there a chance that Ron Parker could eek something out
Nope, That's 6 races for Ron, This was THE race to see since Ron and Rodney ended up battling it out Head to Head in semi finals.

This was the best kind of racing you could want to watch as much as I hated for Ron to beat me to get there.
It's hard to root for anyone in particular since everyone's family
Yep, it's very strange to root for both guys at the same time. Slant six racing needs a couple of bad guys that everybody hates. :lol: No wait! :idea: next year we could have a 2 or 3 team contest thing. It might actually be fun to draw some lines in the sand. (as long as it's all in fun) Somebody remind me to remember that for later.
That's awesome that a Rookie took the whole thing!
Both Vegas and N. Wilks go to Rookies. That's got to be some kind of record.

Author:  Ron Parker [ Mon Aug 08, 2005 5:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

We had a great weekend of racing and seen a lot of things happen. Got rained out saturday and Danny Dunn has always been great to the Slanted Family and let us run on Sunday. This was the first Slant race my wife Judy came with me to watch and help outside 20 miles of our home track. Seymour gets the ladder set Saturday and I run SlantSixRam Paul He comes up and says he hates it that he is going to put me out in the first round. That is what i like to see in new Slant racers Attitude. Race hard and after the race party and have fun. Sunday was not good for us . One time trial and go racing. The first time trial there was some slight mosture on the track. Me and Gary Bruner lined up and left and about half way thru first gear the rearend broke loose and made a left turn for both of us got straightened up and everything was ok. Got to the pits and Ron Hamby, Barry, And Seymour had problems getting down the track. Gary loaded because he did not want to take a chance of hiting the wall. After a long discussion of what to do Danny let us have another time trial to check the track. This time every got down ok except me i change lanes and the car leaves fine when i shift to second the car starts to go left again not as bad but at more speed. Doint have a clue to dial the car in execp Saturdays 60ft time and the second time trial 60ft time on Sunday So i got lucky against Paul and had something to go on. Me And Rodney third round Rodney beat me on both ends reaction and dial in. It was hard fought season and I wanted to win But Rodney proves he is at the top of Slant Six Racing. Yall street drivers take note of who won the race. There is a good chance he could be rookie of the year and the possum bagel and Drake street champion of the year. I want to Thank Ron and Kay Hamby and Empire Chrysler Dodge for making this our premier event for this year. Thanks Ron Parker :D :D

Author:  featherduster76 [ Mon Aug 08, 2005 6:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Hi, Everyone....

I must say it was great event even though we got a lil' bit of rain on
Saturday but was more than glad the slant six racing action carried
on Sunday. I almost didn't make it though because the duster's
tranny linkage came apart earlier that morning so I grabbed some
wire, a pair of pliers and make shift fixed it on the go so I could get up
there to the race. I met lots of great people with good advice,
fast and very nice cars, and faced some exciting competition.
My first ever slant six racing event, I loved it!! Thanks to Paul
for pointing me in the right direction!!

Arm hangin out the window eh Lou?? lol, I figured if I was going
down the track-- do it in style~~!! 8)

Racing action was so close, you would have had to have been there
to seen it!! The duster was droppin a consistent 12.20 to a 12.24,
best run I could get was a 12.13@56.38 on a test run. I had the
'71 turnin out 11.80's in the month prior. But Sunday I had a mild amount
of tranny slip :cry: and I was still only dippin into the 12's. On a more
positive note I got my best light ever, an .05 when I ran Ron Hamby...

Congrats again to Rodney for the championship win!!!

Im going to give a big thanks to Ron and Kay Hamby and empire
chrysler for getting the event going and to those who all showed up
and raced. Everyone showed great sportsmanship and everyone
ran tough. Again to Ron, He really inspired to me to get into this--
I remember going to the track early in my highschool days on thursday
nights watching this red dart wipe out the competition. I looked at my duster one day and said "why not?"
And so it was a great honor for me to line up next to him for a race..

The '71 Duster will return to Farmington and the Wilkesboro races next year, but will be alot faster!! I found it kind of odd that I noticed that
I had the only duster at the wilkes race though, intresting really...

Either ways Best of luck to all of the slanted family and God Bless..
Best Regards- Michael H. Glass

Author:  Ron Parker [ Mon Aug 08, 2005 6:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Michael If you win bagel,possum Drake street championship that is worth 300 dollars cash and 150 dollars powdercoating from Drake Coating and right now you are in the lead . Congratilations Thanks Ron Parker :D :D

Author:  featherduster76 [ Tue Aug 09, 2005 3:25 am ]
Post subject:  Thanks Ron...

Thanks Ron, How many races are left in the season>>?? Will there
be a race in columbus this year???

Author:  Dart270 [ Tue Aug 09, 2005 6:05 am ]
Post subject: 


Excellent job at NW and congratulations. Indy on 10/2 is the next closest race to you. Look at the Racing schedule on the main page. We'll look forward to seeing you at some more races!


Author:  Tom Drake [ Tue Aug 09, 2005 6:41 am ]
Post subject: 

Congrats Michael!

Next time I am not going to be so easy on you in the first round! :wink:

That 50 point should put you in the lead for the rookie of the year award... way to go.

Author:  featherduster76 [ Tue Aug 09, 2005 12:39 pm ]
Post subject:  C'mon

Much appreciated Lou and Tom. However Tom We'll just have to see about that :wink:
Regards- Michael

Author:  sixinthehead [ Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:42 pm ]
Post subject:  My too sense

Once again I had a great time hanging out with everyone. I wanted to thank everyone for making me feel at home, right down to the food (thanks to Kaye's Deli and Paul's wife!).

Eddie liked his new engine setup, improving from 12.5 at 55 last year, to 11.58 at 61.8. It felt like a whole different car going up through the gears. Lots of wheel hop, though - have to work on that for next time.

Too bad the driver couldn't concentrate - best light for the day was .285 :(

Thanks to all who made the event possible, including Ron and everyone at Empire. I wish I could have had a chance to race, though (couldn't stay for Sunday).

Do you suppose there's any way Danny could let us start earlier next time? We sat for almost four hours of sunshine, then started to race as the clouds were gathering :?

I'm not griping, by any means - just curious.

Author:  Ron Parker [ Thu Aug 11, 2005 3:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

This was a regular nite local racing so Danny has to play to the home crowd. doint blame him. We come in once a year and Danny goes out of his way to receive us. He did not half to let us race on Sunday but he did this solved a lot of potential problems. Thanks to Empire Chrylser Dodge and Ron and Kay Hamby Thanks Ron Parker. :D :D

Hell Hath No Wrath Than A Possum Scorned

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