Slant Six Forum

Found glasses at N. Wilksboro track after race
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Author:  Slant6Ram [ Fri Aug 12, 2005 1:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Found glasses at N. Wilksboro track after race

I found a set of eyeglasses/sunglasses on the bleachers at N. Wilksboro after the race on Sunday. Reasons that they belong to someone we know since nobody else was using those seats.

My eyes are so bad, that I can't really tell if they are perscription glasses or just shades 8)

Just about everybody had gone, so I tossed them in the trunk and found them today.

I would be happy to mail them to the owner. I know I can't function without my specs. Tell a friend, I hate to just pitch them in the trash!

Author:  james longhurst [ Mon Aug 15, 2005 5:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

actually, i lost a pair of black wraparound shades that day. pretty cheap drugstore shades, but they were new. sound like them?


Author:  Slant6Ram [ Thu Aug 18, 2005 5:35 am ]
Post subject:  still looking

Nope, these are grey rectangularish frames. I would not call them wrap around at all. I should take a pic of them and maybe it will jog someones interest, not everyone would think to check online for their lost glasses.
Based on the size, they might have been womans glasses, but I might just have a bigger than average head. :lol:

If someone does realize these belong to them, please send me a PM, so I'm sure not to miss the post.

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