Slant Six Forum

add to earlier post on fixing leak...
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Author:  apriljewel10 [ Thu Aug 18, 2005 5:53 pm ]
Post subject:  add to earlier post on fixing leak...

Thank you to All that replied to my earlier post. I have registered for this forum last week but can't seem to post using my username (apriljewel)... We live in Mid-Missouri - I have twin 17 year old boy's; Mike is really into the classics and Grandma just purchased a 1978 Aspen Custom for him last weekend... He had a 1972 Valient that him & his Step-Dad rebuilt the engine for, didn't even have 100 miles on new engine when he ran over a 4x4 piece of lumber on the highway & totally broke the brackets/mounts for both control arms last week. Anyway he belongs to a Classic Car Club here and they were having a Show yesterday at the State Fair so we (Mike, his brother Tom, Grandma, my Husband, & I) did a quick cleanup, wash, wax, touch-up paint, & new (unprofessional) headliner to get ready for the CCC Show... In the next week or so my Husband & Mike will pull new engine from Valient & drop in the Aspen... Anyway that is our story & ANY advice, etc. that you great people can provide is always appreciated (since we are true amatures with the fixing up of this car)... btw, the body is super (just a little rust behind back wheels... :)

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