Slant Six Forum

Rust, glass and hoods
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Author:  project74 [ Fri Aug 19, 2005 12:07 am ]
Post subject:  Rust, glass and hoods

Ok guys, time to pick your brains.

Ques.1 Do any of you have any experience with Rust Bullet? I've read some good things about this stuff and just wondering if anyone here has actually used it. The chassis/floors of the dart will soon be getting some blasting/wire wheel work done and I want the best coating possible.

Ques.2 The driver's side window of the Dart gets stuck with about 4 inches to go and won't roll down any more. The door panel is off and I can't see anything impeding it's movement, nothing broken i can see either. Any suggestions? Not power windows by the way.

Ques.3 Will the hood off a 73-75 Valiant/Scamp bolt onto the Dart with no hassels? My thought here is eliminating the front piece that's always in the way when under the hood. Besides, a full length hood looks better anyway.

Many thanks in advance for your replies :mrgreen:

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Fri Aug 19, 2005 12:32 am ]
Post subject:  Hmmm...

Valiant hood will bolt up, but not be compatible with the dart hood release, clip, might be able to get away with bolting up the whole front clip off a Valiant/ Duster.

You may have to pull the glass, and check the track and gear to see if something is jambed, missing, or the plastic parts are tanked.

good luck,


Author:  '74 Sport [ Fri Aug 19, 2005 6:12 am ]
Post subject: 

Saw your post over on I am at my office right now, but will post more this evening on the Rust Bullet. We used it extensively in my son Aaron's rebuild of his '74 Dart Sport.


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