Slant Six Forum

What tires will fit???
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Author:  Duster_Nova [ Fri Aug 19, 2005 9:22 am ]
Post subject:  What tires will fit???

My 71' Duster is undergoing an overhaul and I need some help in deciding what tires will fit. I just purchased 14 x 7 American Racing Outlaw II rims with a SBP, but now am stuck trying to figure out what tires will fit without rubbing the swinger arm on the front wheels. Please any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Author:  Dart270 [ Fri Aug 19, 2005 12:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have 225/60-14s on my 68 Dart on 14X7 rims w/ 4" backspace and they work great. I got my last pair of Yokohama AVIDs from Tirerack for about $54/ea. Have had these on the front and rear of my 68 and 64 Darts with no issues. I've had 215/60s on the same rims, which work great. I've had 245/60s and they are a little tougher to make work (wheel offset, fender trimming...) but are fine. Rear polyU leaf bushings cured rubbing on the rear fenderwells.

What is the backspacing of your wheels? This will determine wheel/tire fitment.


Author:  sandy in BC [ Fri Aug 19, 2005 3:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have 235/60/14 on 14x8 rub front or rear...245/60/14 will go on the back but rub during SEVERE cornering.

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