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HP ratings understated????????????
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Author:  emsvitil [ Sun Sep 11, 2005 10:20 pm ]
Post subject:  HP ratings understated????????????

Caught myself cruising at 90 mph today.

No strain, stable, plenty of throttle left (on 1bbl carb even)....

Then I had a decision, see how fast the car would go or back off and blend in.....................

Luckily I decided to blend in, as about 30 seconds later I noticed the CHP motorcycle coming up quickly from behind......(and he kept going) :lol:

Author:  Dart270 [ Mon Sep 12, 2005 4:55 am ]
Post subject: 

Fun, aint it? Find a good spot out in the country and let 'er rip. Maybe some 2-lane blacktop out in the desert?


Author:  sandy in BC [ Mon Sep 12, 2005 9:50 am ]
Post subject: 

My Valaint will do 105mph in 4th gear...or 105 in 5th gear. Thats with the old motor. Mebbe later today if I finish up installing the new motor I will see if we can up that.

Where I turn onto the highway from my house is the longest straightest flattest piece of road for 60 miles......2 miles long...starts slightly downhill and ends uphill. My own personal Bonneville.


Author:  argentina-slantsixer [ Mon Sep 12, 2005 11:08 am ]
Post subject: 

My car's top REAL speed (chronometer controlled) is 187.5 km/h (just me in it, no other passsgers) with a holley 1 barrel. The carb ain't opens full-full throttle cuz my kickdown geometry is bad so if it can opens WOT the downshifting and upshifting sucks... I guess that this is somewhat 117 mph. I'm really looking forward to get a bigger carburetion (I have 2 setups ready but I have zero time to install them) and hit the road.

If you wanna find out if your speedo lies (or better said: how much does it lies) divide 3600 per the seconds it takes to cruise a mile.

I.e. if your ET on a mile is 48 sec then 3600/48=75 mph
or in KM works the same, your ET on a km would be 30 sec

Author:  skraecken [ Mon Sep 12, 2005 11:21 am ]
Post subject: 

A "few" years ago, (1975 i think) a warm summer night, or early morning, we were going back to town, me in a -62 Lancer 2dr ht with 3 friends (sleeping), after me come another friend in a -66 New Yorker 413, (four sleeping friends in that car). At the first long straight I had the speedometer a bit over the 200km/h mark, (a bit wobbly) at that time the New Yorker passed me with good speed, a couple of km later at the last straight into the city stood the New Yorker with the hood open, and boiling, I had to drag him the last bit into town.

Author:  Russell Cable [ Mon Sep 12, 2005 3:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

With the 3.55 gears in the 67 dart
I was clocked at 135 MPH .... :shock:

Author:  edwinjmartz [ Tue Sep 20, 2005 7:57 am ]
Post subject: 

When I first got FURTHER, I buried the needle once. That was on the *original* motor.
I've had the new motor up to 103 before running out of road, but it wanted to do more!
Used to tick off the bmws going to work on I85 because I would do 80 right beside them.

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