Slant Six Forum

Salnt 6 challenges Hemi for $100...........
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Author:  slantzilla [ Mon Sep 12, 2005 8:46 am ]
Post subject:  Salnt 6 challenges Hemi for $100...........

Hemi declines. :shock:

In all seriousness, my friend Mark Stiegman was at MMW Saturday. Mark is well respected in the show circuit as an expert on '67 GTX's, owning 2 consourse cars. He has recently gotten a pristine '69 Hemi 4 speed Roadrunner (1st place at the Nats in his class). I offered to run him heads-up for $100. He did not think his chances were very good. :twisted:

Author:  argentina-slantsixer [ Mon Sep 12, 2005 11:09 am ]
Post subject: 

you da, man

slantzilla, hemi killa!!!!!

Nothings compares to the satisfaction of beating the living crap outta any V8... I have f**ked my share of 318's past summer... hehehe. they look down on the slant but they have a $#!+ hidrolic lifter arrangement...
Plus you don't find many v8 owners down here that knows their ways around the engine bay... they're all about "I did this, I arranged that" when really is "I spent $$$ having a guy doing this or arranging that"....

I gotta tell you, that me, personally, would have taken that heads up 100 bux challenge with my byke... cold feet chicken of a mopar owner!!!!

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