Slant Six Forum

Stop at 3000 rpm
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Author:  skraecken [ Mon Sep 12, 2005 9:25 am ]
Post subject:  Stop at 3000 rpm

I may have a problem, the car runs nice, but when I want to go "a bit faster" it would not go over 3000 rpm in second gear, (have not tried first gear).
When i rev it up in neutral, I can get it up to nearly 4000 rpm. Normal mpg around 20-22, ignition have tried between 8-15 degr.
I think somethings wrong, but what?

Author:  sandy in BC [ Mon Sep 12, 2005 9:57 am ]
Post subject: 

When mine did that it was due to a very stretched timing chain.

Author:  skraecken [ Mon Sep 12, 2005 10:19 am ]
Post subject: 

When mine did that it was due to a very stretched timing chain.
Good point, I´ll check that.

Author:  argentina-slantsixer [ Mon Sep 12, 2005 10:55 am ]
Post subject: 

it can be the combination of that (stretched timing chain causing bad crank/cam timing) along with your rear axle ratio.... Also I found out that valvle lash has to be matched with your cam lobe profile or it will do whatever $#!+ she wants to do... I used to have my lash tight and I *thought* it was fine but I opened it up (now she's sounding like a sewing machine but has tons of pep all over the place....) and things turned very noticeablely.

Author:  skraecken [ Mon Sep 12, 2005 11:04 am ]
Post subject: 

My valve lash is ok, I have checked it two times.
Another thing is that my "endpipe"(?) goes very hot, can it be that the timing chain is stretched or not correct mounted. The guy before me took the motor apart and painted everything. :(
Maybe he was not so good to put it together again.

Author:  Rust collector [ Mon Sep 12, 2005 11:26 am ]
Post subject: 


Sounds like my old aspen...
It was the timing chain, two teeth wrong :roll:

In neutral it would rev to 4500, and refuse to go any higher, but it ran good at low rpm´s.
Don´t know about the tailpipe temps :(

Author:  skraecken [ Mon Sep 12, 2005 11:28 am ]
Post subject: 

Morn da!

I think I´ll have to check the chain, but not tonight, got to have the car to work tomorrow. :wink:

Author:  emsvitil [ Mon Sep 12, 2005 12:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Ignition advance

Does the centrifugal advance and/or the vacuum advance actually work?????????

Broken vacuum advance and/or a stuck centrifugal advance mechanism will do the same thing as rpms rise.

Author:  skraecken [ Mon Sep 12, 2005 12:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Does the centrifugal advance and/or the vacuum advance actually work?????????
Have checked that to.
First week I had the car, I took it apart and checked everything, (and then mounted the MSD).
About the ignition, I can have a lot of initial time without pinging, about 20 dgr :?:

Author:  emsvitil [ Mon Sep 12, 2005 1:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Fuel Supply....

Tap in a pressure gauge at the carb and see what happens.

Should be 3-5 psi. Low pressure ( and dropping pressure as rpms rise) means either clogged filter/clogged line/ clogged up filter sock (fuel sending unit)/ bad fuel pump.........

Author:  argentina-slantsixer [ Tue Sep 13, 2005 3:58 am ]
Post subject: 

First week I had the car, I took it apart and checked everything, (and then mounted the MSD).
About the ignition, I can have a lot of initial time without pinging, about 20 dgr :?:
well to me that's a sign of bad timing at the sprockets, not the dist. OR (hate to be the blackbird) shot head gasket, causing the compression to drop sooo low that you can get away with that kinda advanced timing.

Author:  skraecken [ Tue Sep 13, 2005 7:13 am ]
Post subject: 

(hate to be the blackbird)
I like "birds"! :lol:
I will check the timingchain tonight, hoping that it is the problem, not very funny if it´s not.

Author:  skraecken [ Tue Sep 13, 2005 12:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

sandy in BC
PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 5:57 pm Post subject:
When mine did that it was due to a very stretched timing chain.
Very very true, and at least one tooth wrong, but he (the previous owner) had paint both the block the chain and the sprockets. Looked very nice :?
It seems run much better now, but I will test in on the road tomorrow.

Author:  skraecken [ Wed Sep 14, 2005 3:26 am ]
Post subject: 

Still would´nt rev. :cry:
But she goes much "smoother".
Will check the fuelpressure tonight.

Author:  argentina-slantsixer [ Wed Sep 14, 2005 5:54 am ]
Post subject: 

maybe your trans is starting to go....

(you know me, I'm the one that always cheer up this finding what's wrong deal :mrgreen: )

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