Slant Six Forum

Redding slant6 races..Oct 15-16,2005
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Author:  hemi-man [ Fri Sep 16, 2005 7:46 am ]
Post subject:  Redding slant6 races..Oct 15-16,2005

Hi Guys: Please try to attend our October 15-16, 2005 slant6 race at Redding, Calif. We had a good turnout for the April event and want more of you to show up for this one. Saturday, racing at 12:00 so get a early start in the AM on Saturday and all day on Sunday. Show up $$ of $50.00 for all new racers...$25.00 gas money for all slant 6 racers. We will again split into two "brackets" with trophies for lst and 2nd of each bracket. We have lots of cars coming from Oregon, Washington, so please try to make this a West Coast annual event. Redding Raceway has their own website which has directions, motel info..ect. See you all in Redding..Wayne from Chico ("swingin' six")

Author:  Doctor Dodge [ Tue Sep 20, 2005 6:39 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the up-date, I am planning on being there!
Funny how we had Las Vegas and Redding as "back to back" racing weekends last April and now i see that Sacramento is having their Mopar Magic event the weekend after the Redding race!
Looks like a busy mid October!

Author:  wayne erickson [ Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:07 am ]
Post subject:  Redding Slant6 racing, Oct 15-16 (Seymour scheduled to race)

HI Doug: I just talked with Seymour Peterson and he is scheduled to also come for th Oct 15-16 race at Redding. He is driving a long ways to support this event . There has to be several other racers from the Sacramento area as well as others from Northern/Central Calif. that should also want to be there. I keep reading about all these "project" cars that are now finished...You would think they would want to support a slant6 event and show up at Redding on Oct 15-16. There are two new racers also coming from Corning and Anderson. We hope to have around 16-20 including the inliners group so it should be a good race. See you at Redding...Wayne "Swingin' Six" from Chico

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