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 Post subject: Which Car
PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 1:19 pm 
TBI Slant 6
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Joined: Thu Sep 23, 2004 10:59 am
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O.K. I've done my time and given up far too much money racing other than /6 cars, and besides I want to drive the car to the track and compete in the Street Car class bracket racing.

What would be a good car to begin with? I'm not going all out racing, just something reliable. A long time ago I was fortunate enough to race a 66 Dart /6 car and it was deadly in brackets.

Trouble is, I like the 70'ish darts and dusters, but darn prices have gotten out of hand.

Help me out with some ideas. Thanks.

 Post subject: Out of hand?
PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 1:37 pm 
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What are you talking about?

For a couple thousand dollars you can buy a reasonably clean, ready to drive 70's 2 door dart. Check out the "want to sell" forum for some recent stuff in your area.

If you want to get any cheaper, you'll end up doing a comparable amount of work for the money you save from my experience.

I'm not saying a couple thousand isn't a lot of money, but what else are you going to race and daily drive for cheaper? Not even rice!

Deals are out there if you take the time to look. I found my Aspen as a rust free rolling body needing paint and a motor, and had to tow it home from 8 hours away. Got it for FREE!, but then I've invested about $1500 in parts to get it ready to Race/Drive. Another $500 worth of parts and I'll be running 16's in the 1/4 mile!

Good luck finding something.

1980 Aspen 225 super six

 Post subject: Race Car Body
PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 1:56 pm 
TBI Slant 6
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Sounds like you've been there...trouble is, I can't decide on either an early 60's body or 70-72. I would think the 63 Valiant would be a good choice. Didn't mean to stir up a hornets nest, but I just sold a 66 Valiant with small block race motor that simply got too expensive to race anymore AND I never won a darn thing with it.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 2:33 pm 
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I started Slant racing with a bone stock '76 Duster that I bought for about $1100. The ex-wife and I won tons of money and trophies with the car.

I also race a '66 Valiant. I have done well with it, but not nearly as well as with the Duster.

The Duster was so slow that people hated racing it. When you get someone to hate racing your car, you're halfway there already. :shock:

Official Cookie and Mater Tormentor.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 3:36 pm 
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Yeah....what 'Zilla said. 25 years ago, when I first went racing with my '68 Dart and slant it was turning 18-19 second quarters, and was reasonably consistant. There were an unknown number of times we made it to the semi's before being knocked off.

It does not have to be fast or quick, but deadly consistancy will get you bucks and fun.

Tell you what, check a few of the boneyards in your area. Sometimes, yards will hang onto the titles for older cars in exceptional condition, and they can be picked up for a decent price. You may also, (in your state), be able to re-title a car that has been officially junked by allowing a DOT inspector to look at it and give his approval. I do know that in Iowa, it's next to impossible to resurrect such a car.


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PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 4:23 pm 
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Same thing as Bagel my 69 Dart was bone stock and i drove it to the races. But this is where it gets tough. That dang ole Dale Rose wanted to go faster than me and the race was on. He is still faster than me and now that mean ole Bagel Bomber is faster than me. 1400 dollars 69 Dart 8000 dollars of mods. But when you get a Slant in the 12s a lot of people come over and look at a six beating a 440 car. Now it looks like the Vortex charger is going on next year hell this is going to cost 2 times what i paid for the 69 Dart but Whuping Bagel Priceless. Bagel you had better figure how to shoot more joos. :D :D

Hey Has That Thing Got A Bagel Bamboozler In It

Last edited by Ron Parker on Wed Sep 28, 2005 3:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Try looking for...
PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 6:47 pm 
EFI Slant 6

Joined: Sat Apr 16, 2005 11:34 pm
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Yes I have to noticed that the earlier a-bodies are getting more expensive
but there is an alternative. I'd shoot for a 73,74,75,or 76 duster,dart sport,
swinger,or scamp. This is where the deals are with a bodies. And on the
plus side alot of the times with these newer a bodies you'll most likely
be alot quicker to find a car with disc brakes already on it and to top
that off 73 and up mopars come factory with electronic ignition standard.
Sure they do tend to be a little more heavy than the '72 back a bodies but
hey "gutting" the cars are the name of game in racing right??sure! Get you a later model a body, gut it,race it and have fun with it!! I myself
own a few dusters and the deals were definetly on our '73's that we own.
I race a '71 duster that is gutted to the extreme that I have about $1600
in and guess what?> Im winning with it!!

 Post subject: Rough enough for ya?
PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 8:58 am 
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ebag item # 8002700945

Don't need no stinking key!

$400 buy it now!

Might be too far away, but deals are out there. Wish I had more room to "collect them all"

1980 Aspen 225 super six

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 1:42 pm 
TBI Slant 6
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wow if that duster was closer id buy that in a heart joke :shock: this sucks i live right in the middle of the us and all the great deals are on the coast lines :evil: :shock:

Cuda Progress :D
The dart as it sits now :(

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 7:03 pm 
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Yeah.. that Aspen that /6Ram got was offered to me too, and I passed because Chicago is a little farther than PA. from where it was. As deep as I am into my Volare I'm wishing that I'd made taht road trip, rust free and all. But I really didn't have a decent tow rig. I was leery of dragging a car all the way from W. VA (I think---- somewhere out that way) with a puny Dakota/3.9 premagnum/7-1/4 rear. Now I do and the car is long since spoken for... :roll: and Dennis, I've often wondered this as you describe the Duster that was supposed to be rust free.... especially as I work on a lifetime Chicago area Volare... :idea: Remember the factory lightweights... Corning glass, aluminum body panels, 1 van seat, etc... could rust be a calculated factory lightening plan maybe to keep up with engine wear?? :twisted:

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