Slant Six Forum

Sylvania SilverStar headlights
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Author:  CStryker [ Sun Oct 02, 2005 6:09 am ]
Post subject:  Sylvania SilverStar headlights

Hey Dan... I was browsing through your site and noticed that you reccomend Sylvania SilverStars, but only outside of North America. I noticed it's been a couple years since you updated that particular page; is that still your suggestion, and if so why? I was looking at upgrading my lighting system, but don't really have the $150 it would take to purchase the set-up you sell. Are the silverstars even a worthwhile intermediate step? (I'm currently running standard Wagner halogen sealed beams)

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sun Oct 02, 2005 11:29 am ]
Post subject: 

Hi from Geneva. No, I don't recommend Sylvania Silverstars in any country. OSRAM Silverstars, officially sold only outside North America, are very good. The Sylvania Silverstar line is junk-junk-junk despite the heavy hype: much less usable light, poorly-focused beam pattern, and extremely short life. "Brightest, whitest," etc., BS.

If you don't want to spend a (relatively) large amount of money on headlamps, the ones to get—the only ones to get—are GE Night Hawks. Still a little hard to find, especially in the H6024NH seven-inch round size most of our cars take, but they are out there, and they are the best (or if nothing else, the least-worst) sealed beams on the market, by a very large margin.

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