Slant Six Forum

71 Duster Convertor Help
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Author:  DAJUJ [ Wed Oct 05, 2005 11:21 am ]
Post subject:  71 Duster Convertor Help

Anyone know about what the stock stall speed would be in a 71 Duster /6 car? I'm looking at one now that has a 3000 stall in it and I don't know how streetable it would be..Help would be appreciated. Rear is 3.23 8 3/4.

Author:  Dennis Weaver [ Wed Oct 05, 2005 12:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

...the 3000 won't stall @3000 RPM behind the /6. Stock is around 18-1900 RPM, if I remember correctly. I erred on the side of caution w/ my SDsix Duster and went with a "2800" (advertised). I wish I had been less conservative, it stalls at about 2100-2200 RPM behind my six.


Author:  SlantSixDan [ Wed Oct 05, 2005 12:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Stall speed for stock late '60s early '70s 225 is around 1700 to 1900. I sure wouldn't want to pay the gasoline bill after swapping in a 3000 rpm converter...nor would I want to drive such a car around town. All the slant-6's nice low-end torque would get turned into heat in the converter instead of motion down the road.

Author:  DAJUJ [ Wed Oct 05, 2005 12:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Stall

Thanks for the great info.

Author:  Dennis Weaver [ Wed Oct 05, 2005 2:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Stall speed for stock late '60s early '70s 225 is around 1700 to 1900. I sure wouldn't want to pay the gasoline bill after swapping in a 3000 rpm converter...nor would I want to drive such a car around town. All the slant-6's nice low-end torque would get turned into heat in the converter instead of motion down the road. I mentioned, it's not going to stall at 3000 RPM behind the /6. The 2800 RPM converter is not even noticeable behind my /6. I'm going to go with a "3000" soon or possibly even higher in my Duster. I hope to get the stall speed up around 24 -2500. When you cam one up a little, you kill a tad of that bottom end anyway. That's one reason my 60' times suck so bad...


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