Slant Six Forum

Need some engine specs
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Author:  1966 dart wagon [ Tue Oct 18, 2005 3:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Need some engine specs

ok i have a 1966 dart wagon with a 1975 slant six in it, i swaped intake/exhaust manifolds cause the exhaust was cracked. as i find out later its good i replaced the egr manifold. Later on after all the work i put into getting my wagon looking good(carpet, lots of rubbing compound,engine swap, clutch) i get into an accident :cry: that was in may. I finaly went to court and sued the lady and runined my wagon. I ended up with $1600 that was enough to pay for all the stuff i put into it, but not enough to pay for all the hard work i put into it. anyways i'm refixing the car back up and id like to beef up the motor more btw if anyone has any 1966 right fenders, hood, bumper and grill i'm very intrested.

ok back to the motor i was gonna fix up the 75 slant but i have an extra motor in my back yard that is dated:

11 19 63
it has 3 frost plugs on the intake/exhaust side(this is different than the 75 motor) it has round holes for the spark plugs, also i notice it has hydrolic lifters :shock: or at least that is what was in the dismantal box.
(this motor was orignaly gonna go in my wagon but i found an assembled motor so i used that)

so should i build the 1963 block or the 1975 block is one block thinker then the other or anything is the other aluminum i dont think so but you tell me :oops: i was looking to get my wagon into the 15's -16's. i was lookin into doing some head work with a 2 or 4bbl carb a header maybe a bore of the cyl. what is the stock bore of a slant and how far can i safly bore this block. any sugestions? im done rambling now :P o and what size of cam should i use for what size of porting :?

Author:  1966 dart wagon [ Sun Oct 23, 2005 12:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

anyone......anyone at all :? :shock: o and i have another question/bump....what kinda gas* milage would i get with a 2bbl and a 4bbl? thanks :P

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