Slant Six Forum

Steering coupler for 92 Dodge Van (tilt wheel)
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Author:  Dart270 [ Tue Oct 25, 2005 6:23 am ]
Post subject:  Steering coupler for 92 Dodge Van (tilt wheel)

Hey all,

The steering coupler (like the old ball'n'trunion "rag" joints on our old Mopars) is completely shot and I want to replace it or rebuild it. It is getting very sloppy to drive.

Does anyone have a source for these parts? I've looked on the web and haven't found anything yet.

I could try to replace with a universal steering joint, but with the tilt wheel I'm not sure that would work. Suggestions here?

Not exactly Slant related, but it is my tow vehicle for my Slant racecar.

Thanks much,


Author:  Charrlie_S [ Tue Oct 25, 2005 6:27 am ]
Post subject: 

Lou, did you try the dealer? I think they are available. Also the ones for the car show up on E-Bay, all the time. Don't know if the are the same.

Author:  Rust collector [ Tue Oct 25, 2005 7:52 am ]
Post subject: 

Dealer should have them, I can get them over here :shock:

Author:  Dart270 [ Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:32 am ]
Post subject: 

OK, I should have tried a dealer first. Thanks for the kick guys and I'll letcha know what happens.


Author:  slantzilla [ Tue Oct 25, 2005 12:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

PEP Boys/Autozone also have a selection of rag couplers in the "HELP" section. :shock:

Author:  Charrlie_S [ Tue Oct 25, 2005 4:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Lou, my local dealer has the Ball and Trunion style coupler repair kit in stock (had to stop there today). Forgot to get the part number.

Author:  volaredon [ Tue Oct 25, 2005 6:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

Lou, real common repair. Unfortunately it is a dealer only setup. One thing that I always did when I had to change one of these was to drill and tap a 1/4-28 (yes fine thread) into the side of the coupler body and then thread a grease zerk into it before I put it all together. You'll have to buy the body, pin, shoes, rubber cover and tin retainer for the rubber cover seperately, but the dealer that I use put it all together as a kit and assigned their own part number to it. And as far as the tilt wheel goes, yes I believe that they will ask you whether it has tilt or not when you go buy the parts, but the tilt mechanism is in where the tilt lever is, the coupler you are talking about is under the engine compartment. And sorry, that rag joint kit in the HELP aisle at Useless Zone, is just that in this case.... useless. NOW, if you are talking about the tilt pins in the upper end of the column being loose (another common problem), then you will have to disassemble the upper 1/2 of your column to access 4 reverse torx (male bolt head rather than a female head like many headlight screws) get a tube of Loctite and simply remove them thelast few threads and Loctite them back into place. That tube of Loctite is the only part you'll need to fix that problem, 3 special tools (steerring whl. puller, lock plate depressor to remove the snap ring, and a pin puller for the tilt pins. Not real difficult but if you've never done one, figure about 4 hours. I've done enuf of them (and I have the tools to do it) that now, even a little outta practice, it takes me between 2 and 2-1/2 hours to do. A service manual helps you see what it takes. Don't worry if you don't have the one for YOUR year of van, if you have a R.W.D. car or truck manual at least '84-up, pretty much the same. (gasp) if any of your car buddies has a similar year GM R.W.D. car or truck manual, it'll get you thru the job w/o much problem. GM columns are very similar (Saginaw div., actually supplied Chrysler's columns and gearboxes for several years, when I replaced the gearbox in my 97 Ram, the # in the catalog was right but the box said Chevy truck on it under the part #). Ummm, 92, I don't believe that your van would have an airbag, I believe airbags in trucks was still a year or 2 off.

Author:  Dart270 [ Wed Oct 26, 2005 6:09 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the replies, everyone. I'll get a dealer part and rip into it.


Author:  james longhurst [ Wed Oct 26, 2005 7:51 am ]
Post subject: 

if that van were four wheel drive you wouldn't need to steer around so much stuff :shock:

:D -james

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