Slant Six Forum

First Time Drag Race - Numbers Returned
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Author:  Slanted Opinion [ Sun Oct 30, 2005 4:02 pm ]
Post subject:  First Time Drag Race - Numbers Returned

Hey everyone,

They were only running 1/8 mile today at New England Dragway, the track was too cold for the full speed runs...

Here are my absolutely bone-stock numbers for 68 Dart 4 Door 225 A-904:

R/T 1.198 (yes, I need more caffeine)
60' 2.720
330' 7.837
1/8' 12.177
MPH 56.74

Had a blast!
Only got one run, as I got to the track late, so no time for practice or changes...

I have two questions:
1) Is my true 1/8 mile time equal to my 1/8 mile minus my reaction time?

2) Is there a way to come up with a reasonable guess for 1/4 mile time out of these numbers? I know there are a bunch of variables at play here...

Today was the last day of the season, and my first time at bat. Can't wait till next year! (There goes my Christmas money!) Thanks for all the inspiration from the members!


Author:  Ron Parker [ Sun Oct 30, 2005 5:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nope your 1/8 mile time is what it is. You could have sat there for 3 seconds and still have the same time. Glad you had a blast but be warned this Slanted Racing is Additive so just git er done. Thanks Ron Parker :D :D

Hey Has That Thing Got A Bagel Bamboozler In It

Author:  slantzilla [ Sun Oct 30, 2005 8:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Multiplying 12.17X1.57 will get you close to what it would run in the quarter. That is a pretty good 1/8th mile time for a stocker. :D

Glad you had fun too! :D :D :D

Author:  Rust collector [ Mon Oct 31, 2005 7:04 am ]
Post subject: 

But, wouldn´t the CAR´s time be -reaction time, or some of it?

Author:  slantzilla [ Mon Oct 31, 2005 7:20 am ]
Post subject: 

But, wouldn´t the CAR´s time be -reaction time, or some of it?
Nope. The clock does not start until the front wheels leave the starting line beam. :shock:

Author:  Rust collector [ Mon Oct 31, 2005 7:28 am ]
Post subject: 


Umm yeah, but uuuuhh :oops: :oops:

Author:  slantzilla [ Mon Oct 31, 2005 8:21 am ]
Post subject: 


Umm yeah, but uuuuhh :oops: :oops:
I guess I should have said the ET clock doesn't start until the wheels leave the beam. :shock:

The Reaction timer is completely separate from the ET clock. You are correct in the fact that the RT is a combination of driver and car reaction though. :D

You can sit on the starting line until the timer times out and the ET will never change. :shock:

Author:  Rust collector [ Mon Oct 31, 2005 9:37 am ]
Post subject: 


I need to get out more :roll:

Author:  Slanted Opinion [ Wed Nov 02, 2005 12:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

I also learned not to pull up too close to the 440/6 Roadrunner in the water box in front of you, lest your Dart hood becomes covered in hot, sticky rubber!
:o :lol:


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