Slant Six Forum

I need cam and clutch suggestions
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Author:  mrbillohnooo [ Mon Oct 31, 2005 6:29 pm ]
Post subject:  I need cam and clutch suggestions

I am fairly new to the slant six thing, but I would really like to go slant six drag racing with an 83 swb truck for the 06 season, will be based near Tulsa. I plan on building a 225, +.030, with a milled head, steel crank mildly ported head, offy intake and 750 carb, header, full quiet street exaust 2.5 or bigger, I am going to be running high 3's gear wise (numerically) and a 833od four speed, I don't have a clue as to what solid cam to run, this truck will be street legal, will not be driven much on the street tho. Please consider I have driven VERY radical combos before on the street.
I also am wondering if I will need a clutch that is stronger than the stock unit.
Any suggestions here will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your help!!!
Bill King

Author:  dusty7t4 [ Tue Nov 01, 2005 12:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

do you plan on going higher compression? have you considered what other mods you want to do to the head yet (lift)? that will determine your cam


Author:  Dart270 [ Tue Nov 01, 2005 1:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Summit Racing has just started selling Erson Slant cams. They have a 0.510", 242/246@0.050" cam that looks quite nice for a street/strip combo and would work well with 9.5-11:1 comp on pump prem. Only $99 too!

Comp Cams and also make some good custom grinds, I've heard.


Author:  Rick Covalt [ Tue Nov 01, 2005 5:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Crane Too?

Thanks Lou. That looks like a pretty good deal. I see the also list a .540 / 284 cam from crane. It is nice to see some bigger cams advertised for a change.


Author:  Dart270 [ Tue Nov 01, 2005 7:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

That Crane cam was offered way :wink: back in the 80s when I was first starting on Slants. Discoed sometime around 1990.

BTW, the cam I sold you was a custom from American Cams in LA. I thought they were dead, but I recently did a search on "custom cams" and they are still alive in Covina, CA!


Author:  DusterIdiot [ Tue Nov 01, 2005 7:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Junkyard or adaptor time!!!!

The 10.5" stock clutch mated to your current truck isn't going to like the pounding (I think Rick had one window a car and block)....
The better bet is going to be finding one of the HD clutch units from a slanted truck (has a low slung starter), can be found on 3/4 ton and 4x4 Dodge and Plymouth Trucks/Ramchargers (you'll want a post -1975 one as the early one's will need to be modified for the bigger A-833 retainer).

The unit is heavy weight-wise, but... the 11" clutch it has will be able to use any performance clutch for a 225/318/383 (per RAM, Zoom, and a few other companies.

Your other option may be to get an adaptor like the one andyf has for the LA block bolt pattern auto tranny, then you can bolt up an SFI bellhousing (or have an SFI unit modified).

Sounds like a fun project. I do know that most slant 4x4 guys run a 4.3 or 4.11 gear with their A-833OD due to weight and tire mods, so keep that in mind too.

good luck on your project,


Author:  mrbillohnooo [ Wed Nov 02, 2005 6:14 pm ]
Post subject:  thanks for all the input guys!

Like the subject sez, thanks! I like the idea of a sfi bellhousing.( I had a torque converter explode once and I was really lucky it didnt hurt me, cant say that for the car!! )As far as cams go, I know how to check clearances, yes I will be milling the head, the erson cam sounds like a good one for the money. I am sure I will have lots more questions to ask as I go along.
Thanks again,

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