Slant Six Forum

donor suggestions
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Author:  JDS [ Tue Nov 29, 2005 11:10 am ]
Post subject:  donor suggestions

i have a '72 valiat with a 225 and H-1barrel, and points. i am wanting to convert it over to electronic ignition, more reliable fuel system, and disc brakes. any suggestions on what type of vehicle to pull the parts from? i would like to buy just one parts car, but i can also just pick and pull from a yard too..thanks in advance

Author:  1966 dart wagon [ Tue Nov 29, 2005 11:29 am ]
Post subject: 

well for the disc brakes your going to need an abody car 73-76 that will have everything you will need, and make sure you get it all.

For a more reliable fuel system i dont really know what to tell you, you could upgrade to a super six which has a 2 bbl carb this gets you better gas milage which is always good with the gas prices :lol:

for electronic ign. you could swap a whole ign system from another slant car that has it or put in msd or something similar.

here is the wiring diagram for a elect. ign. ... wiring.htm

here is the directions to the super six upgrade

do a search if you have any more questions or post

Author:  slantvaliant [ Tue Nov 29, 2005 12:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'd sure look for a 73-76 A-body with disk brakes. Don't forget to grab the large bolt pattern rear end from your 74-76 disk brake donor, and some spare rims. Check the driveshaft lengths.
While it won't have an electronic distributor for a slant, a V8 car might have heavier torsion bars. The ignition modules should be the same. If you have a 904 for your slant, I believe a V8 904 would have some beefier interal parts that could be swapped in.
I did the Late-A disk swap, and think it was a very good move.

Author:  oldgoat83 [ Tue Nov 29, 2005 1:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

Can you o a disk swap on a truck?
Is there any advantage to this?

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Tue Nov 29, 2005 1:51 pm ]
Post subject:  almost...

While it won't have an electronic distributor for a slant, a V8 car might have heavier torsion bars.
The bean counters' nixed a lot of crap in the 1973-1976 A-body only has the slant six/318 bars, the 318-A/C/340/360 bars, and the taxi cop car bars... so he could grab the front suspension from the 73+ and have a nice big set of 890/891 bars to work with...for bigger bars the 892/893 bars from a Duster 360 or a 1974 Dart with a 318 equipped with A/C will suffice...

If you're keeping the bolt pattern then you'll want disks from a 1968-1972 car...if you get the late model discs (cheaper to maintain), you'll need the whole sheebang (front assemblies, rear axle, and a new set of rims to match the new large bolt pattern)...

good luck,


Author:  JDS [ Tue Nov 29, 2005 5:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

is there a preferable vehicle? i am thinking volare wagon

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Tue Nov 29, 2005 8:58 pm ]
Post subject:  A-body equals bolt in...

is there a preferable vehicle? i am thinking volare wagon

1973-1976 Valiant, Duster, Dart, Dart Sport...

The suspension on the F-body Aspen/Volare is different so the above LBP disc brake cars can swap the calipers, rotors, and hardware...there is a big 'to-do' about using the volare/aspen spindles and the suspension geometry...

If you stick with the above style the parts are a textbook bolt in...


Author:  JDS [ Wed Nov 30, 2005 8:36 am ]
Post subject: 

what about the b-bodies. i have heard alot of things about the geometry is different, but still usable

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