Slant Six Forum

Possable spun bearing
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Author:  gl/6 [ Wed Dec 07, 2005 9:59 am ]
Post subject:  Possable spun bearing

I bought this 62 lancer. Seller was a older man who told me that he was just moving it around in his back yard when the engine siezed up. It had oil in it and he was not over revving it.
He ia a car collector and had purchased it a few years ago, but had not driven it on the highway.

That make me think that whoever sold it to him with a pactched rod insert or that the oil pump broke down.

Having said all that prelude to now stuff.,......Here is what I am planning to do on this cold December day, with no heated garage,!! 20 degrees or so!!

Pull the valve cover, put a battery in it and turn it over (if it will) while watching valve train just to make sure it is not on upper end.

If all is intact on the upside then I will pull the pan.

Somewhere along this time line I should check oil pressure?

This is a low budget exploration,!!! I may end up miccing the crank and put a two thousands under bearing in it. Who knows at this point. I just wanted to indicate the words "Low Budget' for now anyways.

I could use some ideas from your slant six knowledge and slant six experiences. Even including (how to ) on easily checking oil pump pressure, etc. and anything else you think helpful. Its cold out there,!!

I am a person who has rebuilt numerous V/8s so, on the one hand I am experienced, yey very novice on the slant six. Thanks in advance. Gordo

Author:  Rust collector [ Wed Dec 07, 2005 7:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sounds ok, You can take out the rear bolt on the rocker shaft, and start it.
You should get a lot of oil everywhere.
Don´t do it for very long...
At least you will find out if the oilpump works at all.

Author:  slantzilla [ Wed Dec 07, 2005 7:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

If it won't run there is no way to check pump pressure. :shock:

Pulling the pan in-chassis would be a miserable job when it's warm, let alone when it colder than a well digger's ankle. :shock:

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Wed Dec 07, 2005 9:02 pm ]
Post subject:  I concur...

Pulling the pan in-chassis would be a miserable job when it's warm, let alone when it colder than a well digger's ankle.

I pulled the pan on a slant in a 1964 Valiant at a junkyard last year....

Next time I'll either get the engine pulled first...or I'll just hit myself in the head with a big friggin' was not a fun experience in the tight engine bay...

Author:  gl/6 [ Wed Dec 07, 2005 9:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

No kiddin, that's why I got torqued. Besides you can;t get the pan off of a 62 Valiant without pulling a bunch of miracles. Ya know, like jacking up engine and, or puliing down steering arms. whew!! colder than hewwwtoothpicks also. Iappreciated the earlier comment. LOL GL440.

Author:  Dennis Weaver [ Wed Dec 07, 2005 11:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

Quick, easy fix (maybe, if you're lucky). :)


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