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fire disaster averted, check your extinguisher
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Author:  rock [ Mon Dec 12, 2005 3:02 pm ]
Post subject:  fire disaster averted, check your extinguisher

Well folks,
I had a very narrow escape and share my tale to remind folks how important that working fire extinguisher is. I was using a hand switch attached to my starter relay ('64 d100) to bump the starter to turn engine to watch fuel pump into carb. . I had pulled the center distributor cable to coil. Well, the starter jammed "on", and I haven't pulled it yet to see why, but I thought no sweat, jerk off the battery cable. Uhhh, bolted well, starter runs on,. cables melt, BUT, the starter caught on fire. Grab extinguisher...empty. Throw coat over burns better. Grab coat, toss to yard. Fire on engine out, finally. Very very close call with fire and carb adjusting together. Went to store this morning and got new extinguishers. Still don't know why starter stuck, but at least it is there to post mortem!


Author:  Ron Parker [ Mon Dec 12, 2005 3:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

Fire Extinguishers should be inspected once a year if not used. I reconmend a 10 lb abc for the garage or house. If you cannot put the fire out with a 10 lb abc call the fire dept. Also it is winter time and cold in most of the country Change batterys in smoke detectors 2 time a year also have a carbon monoxide detector in your home. I have seen more people die from carbon monoxide posioning in a fire than the fire Thanks an be careful Ron Parker :D :D

Hey Has That Thing Got A Bagel Bamboozler In It

Author:  mcnoople [ Mon Dec 12, 2005 3:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

That's not a good thing to have happen. I learned the lesson years ago that you should carry a fire extinguisher. I watched a 70 300 H burn to the ground for lack of one. Last year I changed the oil on my car on the oil pit at work. While I was there I degreased the motor with brake cleaner and some other cleaner I don't remember what kind. I thought I had properly dried everything I was wrong. A spark ignited the cleaner in the spark plug tubes which ignited the ten gallons of oil(diluted with cleaner) under the car in the pit catch pan. One loud whoosh and suddenly there is 30" X 30" square fire flaming the bottom of my car. I grabbed the extinguisher out of the back seat put it out grabbed a water hose washed the sodium bicarbonate down the drain and drove to the store to buy another extinguisher.

Author:  1966 dart wagon [ Mon Dec 12, 2005 6:23 pm ]
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ya those fires are very very dangerious :( just look at my arm :oops: yes i strongly sugest everyone check there fire extinguishers yearly and have plenty of them, hell we used 5 on my car still didnt get the sucker out, 3 fire trucks came got it right out, but by then it was pretty toast :cry: all my hard work down the drain, it still ticks me off :x :cry:

Author:  Matt Cramer [ Tue Dec 13, 2005 5:44 am ]
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I had to put out a burning Triumph Spitfire last year. Not surprisingly, it was an electrical fire in the headlight circuit. Luckily, it happened in the parking lot at work and I was able to grab an industrial extinguisher and put it out. I'd only had it a couple days and hadn't had a chance to put an extinguisher in it.

Still haven't gotten it running and may have to sell it as a non-running project car, but that sure beats selling a burned-out shell.

My Dart has a fire extinguisher under the dash at all times.

One other tip that I intend to put into practice: Get a metal bracket for your fire extinguisher. The plastic ones can break in a crash. Cheapest source I've seen for good, safe metal extinguisher brackets is McMaster-Carr.

Author:  Jeb [ Tue Dec 13, 2005 8:23 am ]
Post subject: 

Last month my car had an electrical fire start under the dash. Had no fire extinguisher and I could'nt get to the fire anyway so I panicked, it was the only thing I could do.

The ashtray on my buddies Avalanche caught on fire one time.

Author:  dakight [ Tue Dec 13, 2005 10:48 am ]
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I once was working at a gas station, 40 years ago you didn't pump your own, and a customer pulled in. I started pumping the gas when smoke started billowing out from under his hood. The entire wiring harness was frying. I immediately hung up the pump handle and pushed him away from the island then ran into the shop and got some side cutters and severed his positive battery cable. That was a scary moment.

Author:  1966 dart wagon [ Tue Dec 13, 2005 3:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

wow that is quite the save cut the electrical sourse after me and my dad though about it, it would have helped if we unplugged the light under my car, :cry: we kinda all paniced :(

Author:  Jon Dahlberg [ Tue Dec 13, 2005 6:22 pm ]
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Those nylon valve Kidde extinguishers are dangerous. Older models are prone to the valve sheering off unexpectedly, which is very messy, and deadly. I work for a fire extinguisher service company, we actually have holes in the particle board ceilings from those valves breaking while being refilled. If you have an older model, especially a 6 lb model, get rid of it.
I keep an old ansul industrial grade 5lb cartridge operated ABC under my seat.

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