Slant Six Forum

Installing a "one wire" alternator
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Author:  Spazus [ Thu Dec 22, 2005 2:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Installing a "one wire" alternator

Hi All,

I have a new Powermaster 80 Amp "one wire" alternator I'd like to install this weekend.

My cars specs are:
> 1966 Dart GT /6 225
> Electroinc ingition (Mopar Performance Electronic Conversion Kit)
> Alternator gauge in the dash panel is by-passed (removed gauge from circuit by connecting the two wires together)

Is is really as simple as running a fat wire (8 gauge) from the alternator to the (+) battery post?

Am I to do anything with existing voltage regulator (blue box) like bypass it?

Thanks much,

Tom aka "Spazus"

Author:  1-wire alt [ Fri Dec 23, 2005 9:57 am ]
Post subject: 

I would very strongly recommend some kind of fusable link, breaker, or big fuse in series with your heavy wire to the battery for safety, and I'd place it close to the battery end. Personally, I'd probably go with a link.

The starter BAT post may be a good spot and not too hard to reach on a /6. If you use a big fuse, make sure the holder is rated for the current too. You wouldn't want a short in your new alternator to start a fire to ring in the new year.

Since you're not routing the power through the bulkhead or dash, you don't absolutely need to do anything there, but I would also consider wiring the new alt to the old ALT-to-dash feedthrough too, allowing 2 pins (the BAT-to-dash is the other) to share the load, especially if you've got higher than stock loads under the dash.

I would also carefully inspect those pins at the bulkhead for corrosion; the stock connection is somewhat marginal even at 35A and those pins are prone to thermal runaway. It is a weak point in the stock system roughly comparible to the factory ammeter connections.

Merry Christmas & good luck.

The 1-wire alt's have internal regulation; the stock regulator will have nothing to do so you might as well unplug it to avoid any shorts - it has a direct unfused IGN feed to it. If you leave it there, but make sure the stock regulator-to-alt wire doesn't short, it won't do any real harm.

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