Slant Six Forum

Driveability conerns 81 d150
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Author:  mcnoople [ Sat Dec 31, 2005 4:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Driveability conerns 81 d150

In june 2004 I bought a d150 with 225 and 833od for $200 for the tranny. I had to have it towed home (it was a trade in at work), but when I got it home I jumped it and it ran good. I decided to keep it around and gave it to my father so he could use for his horse hobby. I've drove it a total of 3 miles in a year and a half so I'm not real familiar with its quirks and behavior. It doesn't have lean burn, but it did from the factory. We replaced the entire engine bay harness with a same year non lean burn harness from another slant truck we did junk.

A couple days ago it started acting up. Going down the road it will start to stumble and will flash the turn indicators and high beam indicator on the dash. I haven't had any time to really check it out and drive it, but did discover the alternator is overcharging and the ammeter doesn't work. At idle it was running 16-17 volts I am kinda suprised he hasn't exploding any electrical parts. I traced out the wiring for the alternator and reg and everything goes where it is supposed to with good connections and no breaks in the wires. I changed the reg and alternator with ones I had laying on the work bench. It's still overcharging, but now it is at 14.9-15.5 volts. Since I only found out about the problem about 4 hours ago I haven't gotten to do any A-B-A road testing with the alternator unhooked to see if the problem is because of overcharging. Can overcharging cause an inconsistent stumble? Any suggestions or previous experience with something like this. Thanks in advance

Author:  Michael [ Sat Dec 31, 2005 5:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Overcharging

When something like this happened to my brother, the overcharging or "full fielding" cooked some of the wire casings and resulted in all sorts of facinating symptoms (incl stumbling.) His diagnosis found that the negative Bat. cable had gone south, despite looking fine. It took a long while to correct all of the collateral damage.

Author:  mcnoople [ Sat Dec 31, 2005 6:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

Interesting that you mention the negative battery cable. The day before it started acting up I had the negative battery cable off while doing some welding on the exhaust. My father was the one to hook it back up and I never thought to check it since usually a loose cable acts up during cranking and it cranks just fine. Thanks for the suggestion I'll check it in the morning.

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