Slant Six Forum

225 Tear Down
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Author:  dakight [ Sat Jan 07, 2006 5:50 am ]
Post subject:  225 Tear Down

I got the head off and the external parts removed from the block. It's in pretty sad shape I'm afraid. The first thing I noticed was a thick layer of black sludge coating the valve train and the spark plug tubes... not a good sign, I said to myself. There is a pronounced wear ridge at the top of each cylinder; I expect it will take at least a .040 overbore to clean it up. The good news is that the cylinders are not badly scored or gouged and everything turns freely. Today I'll remove the crank, pistons, and cam and start cleaning things up. I'm hopeful that I have a rebuildable core but I won't know until I can get it to a machine shop and have it inspected and measured.

Any magic recipes out there for cleaning the "gunk" out of the valve cover, oil pan, and timing cover? I'll probably just have the rocker assembly tanked along with the block and head. I'm not sure about the pushrods but I'm inclined to pitch them and start over.

Suggestions, sage advice, and wise counsel are always appreciated.

Author:  slantzilla [ Sat Jan 07, 2006 7:45 am ]
Post subject: 

Have the cover tanked with the rest of the stuff.

Make sure to disassemble the rockers after they tank them and run a fine wire through the oil passages. Tanking will not get them clean. Don't ask me how I know. :shock:

Author:  dakight [ Sat Jan 07, 2006 1:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

Experience is such a cruel schoolmaster.

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