Slant Six Forum

Electronic Ignition, Before-After.
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Author:  Avenger2040 [ Mon Feb 06, 2006 5:33 am ]
Post subject:  Electronic Ignition, Before-After.

I got this question in my head for a couple days since I installed a Mopar Electronic Ignition in my 71 Duster, in mornings or engine is cold, is almost impossible to move the car without it stalls and shut down, you need to get the engine a warm a bit to be able to drive without problems.

My question is why this happens with new ignition and why It din´t happen with old points ignition?, also my tach isn´t working with electronic ignition, anyone knows how this can be fixed? is a original Mopar hood tach.

Author:  Kevin Johnson [ Mon Feb 06, 2006 5:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Electronic Ignition, Before-After.

I got this question in my head for a couple days since I installed a Mopar Electronic Ignition in my 71 Duster, in mornings or engine is cold, is almost impossible to move the car without it stalls and shut down, you need to get the engine a warm a bit to be able to drive without problems.

My question is why this happens with new ignition and why It din´t happen with old points ignition?, also my tach isn´t working with electronic ignition, anyone knows how this can be fixed? is a original Mopar hood tach.
Maybe your distributor timing was changed slightly when you did the conversion.

Author:  Avenger2040 [ Mon Feb 06, 2006 6:03 am ]
Post subject: 

Ok, let me check timing, but anyone got a idea why tach don´t work anymore?, well readings isn´t close to accurate, idle RPM is 200, that is what my tach says, but modern tach works well.

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