Slant Six Forum

Pedal swap 66 dart to 68 cuda
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Author:  1966 dart wagon [ Fri Mar 03, 2006 4:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Pedal swap 66 dart to 68 cuda

You guys all know about my accident regarding my car and arm and my dads friend found a 68 or 69 barracuda i'm not sure what style it is or year, cause i havnt got to look at it yet and its driving me crazy :( anyways the barracuda is an auto and my dart was a 3 speed. i would like to do a 4 speed swap possable (barracuda is a slant to) and i wanna know if i could swap the pedals from my 3 speed dart to the barracuda and install a 4 speed (or maybe get the pedals from the 4 speed car depending on what it is) would this work

thanks guys :)

Author:  slantzilla [ Fri Mar 03, 2006 9:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

I don't think the '66 pedal assembly will work in the '68. Keep an eye out on Moparts, those pedals turn up all the time. I have a set I bought for my Duster. I think I gave like $75 for them. :shock:

Author:  james longhurst [ Sat Mar 04, 2006 4:41 am ]
Post subject: 

i have a set out of a '63 valiant and they looked like they were almost identical to my other set out of a '76 featherduster. i went with the later pedals since there was a clutch safety switch mounted. $75 sounds like the going rate for the pedals online, but keep an eye out in the junkyards for a complete setup from a slant car and try to grab everything at once.


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