Slant Six Forum

904 Rag change and "tune"
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Author:  Brucehockensmith [ Fri Mar 03, 2006 4:54 pm ]
Post subject:  904 Rag change and "tune"

I'm about to do a trans.filter and fluid change on the wagon and the Ebooger cheapie tuneup. I've done this several times in the past to other cars/trucks of mine but it's been some time ago. With the past two years of hurricane reshuffling of my files I can't find the copy of that Mopar Action article. I know that the acumulator spring is removed , The 1-2 line pressure @the valve body is turned up and the fluid is changed to type F (I do not do the fluid change). I keep thinking there is one more step but my memory fails (a lot) ..... Does anyone have said copy or remember the steps??

Author:  james longhurst [ Sun Mar 05, 2006 5:10 am ]
Post subject: 

i have the august 2000 issue right here and the three items you mentioned are pretty much it. it's a good idea to pull the accumumator piston out and insert a steel rod behind it to keep it from moving. the only other thing i'd do is adjust the bands while you're there.
i could scan the article and email it to you if you like.


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