Slant Six Forum

rear end compatibility
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Author:  h2o [ Sat Mar 04, 2006 12:29 pm ]
Post subject:  rear end compatibility

the rear end is really close to being t/u in my 74 dart and I'm looking in junkyards trying to find a replacement.

the rear end on my dart has a 9 bolt cover and measures 43 1/4 inches from center to center on the leaf spring shackles. the lugs measure 4 1/4 inch center to center. do these measurements sound right?

the only rear ends i've been able to find in my area have ten bolt covers. one is on an aspen and another on a volare....I wasn't able to take measurements on either. i think I am probably looking at the wrong rear ends.

will the ten bolts fit my dart? if not, will any nine bolt I find fit?

any guidance would be much appreciated.

Author:  h2o [ Sat Mar 04, 2006 12:47 pm ]
Post subject: 


just noticed i posted this in the wrong forum.

sorry about that, it's been awhile since i checked in around here and had forgotten there was a tranny/rear end forum.

Author:  70valiant [ Sat Mar 04, 2006 2:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

It sounds like you have a 7 1/4 in your dart. The rears in the Aspen and Volare are probably 8 1/4's. The Volare and Aspen rears will physically fit(I had one in my Valiant for a few weeks) but they are wider and leave very little clearance between the tire and wheel well (I could not fit my hand between the tire and wheelwell). You would also need to move the spring perches and get spring/shock plates since the axel tubes are larger on the 8 1/4 than your 7 1/4. It is not a recomended swap F-body rear into an A-body. If you got no other choice it will work but...

Author:  Jeb [ Sat Mar 04, 2006 6:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

A F-body rearend under a Duster looks really good. Fills out the rear wheelwells and helps get rid of the overbite look. Of course F-bodies have those really weird iso-clamp spring perches.

This probably won't help you with your dart but I felt like sharing it.

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